Brothers Best Friend- Chapter 10.

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Mackenzies POV

"Wait, wait, wait. Let me get this straight. You and Tyler, my bestfriend, have been dating.... For the past year." Logan said pointing at me.

"And you and Mackenzie, my little sister, have been dating.... For the past year." Logan said pointing at Tyler.

"Yes." I said barely getting the word out of my mouth.

"And you.. Are pregnant, with my best friends babies...? With twins?!" Logan said looking at me.

"And you... Got my sister pregnant, with 2 babies." Logan said looking at Tyler.

"Okay Logan. Yes, yes yes. Whatever else you have to say. Yes. Me and Mackenzie have been dating for the past year and I got your sister pregnant and your sister slept with me. Just please stop with the whole pointing shit." Tyler said aggravated.

"Babe. Calm down." I whispered.

"I'm going to kick your fucking ass. You were suppose to be my best friend. You broke one of the biggest bro codes! No. You broke two of the biggest bro codes. You dated my sister and you slept with her. We have been friends for almost 18 years then you just ruin it. You ruined it all. And what pisses me off the most is that you kept it from me for a year. A fucking year. My sister has to sit and give birth to your fucking kids. She didn't sign up for that. She signed up for a relationship. She didn't know it would turn into a Teen Mom job. We will NEVER be friends again. I want you to leave MY house. Now!" Logan said screaming at Tyler.

Tyler stood up.

"No, Tyler sit down. Logan. Stop! Calm down. It isn't all Tyler's fault. Your overreacting. I slept with him too. It wasn't a one person thing, but your right. I did sign up for a relationship but I'm going to be the best mom any child could have." I said holding my stomach.

"And I know that Tyler will be a great dad. Yes he might of broke bro code, and yes it might be his fault that he didn't tell you until a year later when he was basically forced too but its not entirely his fault. It's mine too. Whatever you do to Tyler I deserve to. If your gonna beat Tyler up then beat me up. If you gonna yell at Tyler then yell at me. Don't pin all of this on Tyler. I realize that your extremely mad but this was our decision. This happened to us. If you don't wanna be Tylers friend anymore, fine don't be. That isn't my problem but realize your gonna have to see him and your gonna have to talk to him sometime soon, and your gonna have to be an uncle to these kids that will be born in like 5 months maybe sooner. I realize that this is a big shock for you but at least we told you instead of waiting longer. So get over it! Gosh!" I said walking upstairs.

"Tyler ill see you later. I'm going to my room. I don't feel like talking to anyone right now, and Logan. When you learn to forgive me and Tyler and stop being childish then maybe... Just maybe ill think about talking to you." I added.


Tyler's POV

"See what you did?! You made her all upset. You know she can have a miscarriage with high blood pressure and that's exactly what you just did!" I said looking at Logan.

"What I did? You know if you would of never dated her to begin with we wouldn't be in this situation." Logan said back.

"It isn't my fault that I liked your sister. She was just there I mean seriously. Why do you think I kept it from you for so long."

"Well it just shouldnt of happened. End of story. I honestly don't think that we will ever be able to be friends. What you did was wrong."

"Whatever Logan. Mackenzies right. Your just overreacting. Now your the one that needs to calm down. I'm gonna go check on Mackenzie then I'm going home cause I'm not gonna sit here have you overreact in my face." I said getting up.

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