Brothers Best Friend- Chapter 3.

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Tylers POV

"AHHHHHHHHHH!!!! TYLER WAKE UP. What happened last night?" I heard Mackenzie screaming from the other side of my bed.

"Mackenzie! Oh my god, what happened?" I said as I quickly jumped out of bed.

"What happened last night? Why am I in your bed half naked?!!

"We had sex, now do back to sleep.." I said.

"No No No this couldnt of happened. How did it happen?!"

"You ask a lot of questions. And I don't know. I was at Dallys last night with a few friends chilling when all of a sudden you came up to me, drunk, and started saying all of this seductive things and I started to worry cause I didn't want you going home and like getting super busted with your mom so I took you to my house. I layed you on my bed and you had passed out."

"Well where did the sex come in play?" Mackenzie interrupted.

"You didn't let me finish."

"Oh sorry, continue."

"I went to the bathroom and took a shower and when I came back to my room you were in one of my T-Shirts with nothing under it but your bra and underwear. You stood up and walked over to me and started making out with me but I stopped you. You kept saying you wanted me and I tried to not to cause I knew how you were with wanting to wait and stuff but you looked so cute and I couldn't help it. It happened."

"Oh. My. God!" My first time and I don't even remember it.! Please tell me you used protection?!"

"I didn't have time to grab a condom. I tried but you like had me tied down and didn't give me a chance, but your on the pill so I didn't think it was a deal."

"Yeah I'm on the pill but I didn't take it cause I thought I was gonna have sex! I take them cause they help regulate my period and gives me clear skin and helps my mood swings."

"We whether your taking it for clear skin or for sex your on it and we're good. Now please ago back to sleep." I said as I layed back down.

"Tyler. I didn't take it late month, or the month before. It's not something I take regularly. I take it if I have long heavy periods or when I'm like super moody during the month and I've been fine so I didn't think I had to take it but now I kinda wish I did." Mackenzie said getting up. "I have to call Kelsey." She added.

"Kenzie, baby. Please calm down. I realize that this is like super bad or big and scary but you need to calm down. Panicking and freaking out is not gonna make this situation any better."


"Babe I'm sorry I know I shouldn't of done it and I know I should of used a condom and yes I know why your freaking out but freaking out is never the answer you're always suppose to stay calm."

"Don't even say sorry. I'm freaking out right now cause you were to retarded to use a condom. And now I may be pregnant. My moms gonna kill me if I am cause I'm 17 and your 20. Its like Rape. Oh my god." Mackenzie said panicked.

I started thinking to myself.

Oh my god. Please calm down. Geez. I realize what just happened but your really starting to worry me and don't pull that shit that it's my fault because it isn't. Your the one that thought it would be fun to get drunk and you were the one that thought it would be fun to try to get me in bed. I tried not too. So don't even pin this on me.

"Mackenzie calm down. You have no idea if your pregnant. It's only been like 12 hours. I mean seriously. You have no one clue! When the time comes and you feel like you are then we will deal with it then but not now."

"You don't know that. I have a feeling that I am."

"Mackenzie! Just fucking stop talking about it. Oh my god."

"I think its time for me to go home."

"It's 8 in the morning?"

"Well I have a dentist appointment at like 11 or 12 or whatever but I have to go, and I have a headache and I'm starving."

"You can eat at my house and I probably have some medicine in the bathroom?"

"No!" Mackenzie snapped. "I'm just gonna go."

"Okay well I love you."

"Alright, bye." Mackenzie got up and got all of her stuff and left.


Mackenzies POV

I got to my house and ran inside, my mom was on the couch and saw that my cheeks were red.

"Whats wrong honey?" She asked me.


"Come here baby, talk to me."

My mom always gave me good advise so I walked over to the couch and sat with her.

"Okay whats going on?"

"Nothing mom. I just told you that."

"Then why are your cheeks all puffy. You've been crying. What happened?"

"Well mom you know how we cant tell Logan about me and Tyler."


"Well the other night when I came home crying was when it started. I was on the bed with Tyler and I asked him why I couldn't tell Logan about us and he snapped at me and before i knew it we were both yelling at each other and it just kept going on and on until I finally started crying and ran out. As I was walking home he kept calling me and I ignored the call cause I didn't want to talk to him. Well yesterday morning when you, me, and Logan got into that fight about him being drunk or high I cant remember. Well I went to Kelsey's house and she took me to this bar and I got drunk. Well Tyler went to the bar and I went home with him and we had sex. He didn't use protection, because I was on birth control and he said I didn't give him time to get one and i skipped this month and last month because I didn't use them for sex, and me and him are fighting and I just don't know what to do."

"OH MY GOD MACKENZIE! I'm so disappointed in you but as a mom i need to help you. Call Tyler and work things out with him tell him how you feel that's all I can really tell you."

"Well you two need to talk. It something happens then you guys need to not fight about it."

"Okay mom. Thank you."

I went upstairs changed my clothes, layed down in bed and called Tyler.


A/N: Heey guys sorry Ive been really busy and haven't been able to upload but I promise I'll start uploading soon. But comment and let me know what you think of the book soo far.(:

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