Brothers Best Friend- Chapter 1.

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Mackenzies POV

"Babe. You have to be like the cutest guy on this planet." Tyler said looking at me while we're both laying on his bed.

"Awwh, really?! That's so sweet of you to say. You and your compliments." I said back grinning.

"What do you mean by that?"

Tyler winked.

"Oh don't play that game. You know exactly what I mean by that." I smiled while pushing Tyler off his bed.

"Opss. I'm sorry sweetie! Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. It's all good."

We both laughed.

"Mackenzie, Logan.! I'm going to Wal-Mart, do you guys want to come with?" I heard Tyler's mom call from the end of the hall.

"Mackenzie, do you wanna do?" Tyler asked standing up.

"Why not! I love Wal-Mart?!" I smiled.

"Yeah mom!" Tyler called back.

"Great! I'm leaving in 5 minutes. I have to find my shopping list."

I chuckled.

"What's so funny?" Tyler asked.

"I love how your mom goes grocery shopping at like 11:30 at night."

"What. It's normal."

"Tyler. You know that's not normal."

"Okay. Your right. It is pretty weird, but hey have you seen the people of Wal-Mart?"

"What?!" I laughed.

"It's an app called the people of Wal-Mart. It has a whole bunch of people that go to Wal-Mart. Here I'll show you.


"Here give me your phone."


I gave Tyler my phone and I watched him download the People of Wal-Mart app. It didn't take long for it to download. He started scrolling through the pictures.

"Oh my god... Is he wearing a thong? Ewwww, she looks like she ate a pumpkin."

"Babe... This is the People of Wal-Mart. A lot of these people go to Wal-Mart at night time cause they don't think anyone's gonna be there and their to lazy to put nice clothes on, but some of these people just come. It doesn't have to be night time. It could be 2:00 in the afternoon. It's hilarious to look at them though."

"Oh my goodness.. Does that really say in loving memory of my virginity.! That's so weird. Why would you put that on your car?"


"People of Wal-Mart." I said.

We both laughed.

"I'm leaving!" Tyler's mom yelled.

Tyler and I got up and left his bedroom.

"Tyler, look. She looks like a leprechaun in heels."

"You showed her the people of Wal-Mart app didn't you?" Tyler's mom asked as she looked at Tyler.

"Sure did." I smirked.

"Alright guys. Well I think we should head out before it gets to late. I like late night shopping but not to late."

"Alright!" Tyler said grabbing my hand and walking out the door.

We got to Wal-Mart and there was like no one there.

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