Brothers Best Friend- Chapter 16.

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Tyler's POV

I got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen because I was hungry when all of a sudden my phone started ringing.


"Yes? This is Tyler. May I ask who's calling?"

"Oh hi Ms. Burns. Is something wrong. You've never called me before?"

"Wait.. Wha wha wha what happened to Mackenzie?!"

"No, its not possible for her to go into labor, shes not even 7 months yet?"

"Adams not breathing! How?! Where is she? Will everything be okay!?!"

"I'm on my way."

Oh my god. Could things get any worse. I mean first I lose the love of my life and now I'm at risk of losing my son. If they break Mackenzie's water now then both babies most likely wont make it. Shes barely 7 months yet.

I grabbed my shoes and rushed to the hospital.


I arrived at the hospital and went inside to the front desk.

"May I help you sir?" The secretary asked nicely.

"Yes. Can you tell me what room Mackenzie Burns is in?"

"I would be delighted. One moment."

The secretary started typing on ger computer then stopped and turned and looked at me.

"It says here that Mackenzie is only accepting family at this time but I can leave a message?"

"I'm her fiance and she is currently trying not to go into labor with my children."

"Oh, well umm. I guess you can go ahead and go. Shes in Room 306."

"Thank you." I said politely.

I walked up towards the elevator and pushed the button to floor 3.


I got off the elevator and started looking for Room 306. It took me about 1 minute to find it because it was one of the first couple rooms.

I walked into the room and saw Mackenzie sitting there in pain holding her moms hand, her stomach was huge.

"Hey beautiful." I said as I crepted up to her bed.

"Mom. Really? You invited Tyler.." Mackenzie said smiley.

"Umm, Mackenzie he is the father of your children?" Mrs. Burns said confused.

"I'm not mad." Mackenzie smiled at me.

"Tyler, I'm extremely sorry about everything I said to you. I miss you so much and I wanna be a family again." She added.

"Wait, what?" I said gasping.

I couldn't believe this. I have been moping for days because I lost my buttercup and now I can finally have her back.

"I said I wanna be a family again. I miss you." Mackenzie repeated herself.

"Awwwwh. I miss you too." I said as I walked over and hugged her.


Mackenzie's POV

Oh lord. What did I get myself into. The last thing I wanna do is deal with Tyler, especially in the pain that I'm in. If this is what labor is gonna be like im gonna kill myself. I'll be a lot less painful then what I'm going through now and to top all that off Kelsey called me earlier today. I haven't talked to her in months and when I finally hear from her I cant talk to her because there's so much going on. Its just sp hard.

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