Brothers Best Friend- Chapter 2.

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Mackenzies POV

So I woke up at like 2:00 this afternoon to the smell of eggs, bacon, hashbrowns, and toast. I didnt know where the smell was coming from because my mom stopped cooking breakfast a few months ago when my dad died. He died from heart failure. My mom and dad had known each other since they were in middle school. They started dating at the end of their 8th grade year. They dated off and on but when the summer before she and my dad turned juniors she got pregnant when Logan. Breakfast was my dads favorite meal. There was never a day that he missed it, and it made my mom depressed everytime she made it so she stopped. I was curious to what that smell was so i got out of bed and went downstairs to the kitchen to find my mom cooking breakfast. I just stood there with my mouth wide open.

"Mom your cooking breakfast. You haven't cooked breakfast in months. Why are you now all of a sudden?" I asked.

"Oh hey honey did you have a good sleep?"

"Yes mom. Will you answer my question.."

"What question? Please repeat it."

"Oh my god mom, I said why are you cooking breakfast?"

"What do you mean?"

"You havent cooked breakfast since dad died."

"I know. But when i woke up this morning i took a shower and when i got out I heard a knock on the door. I went to answer it, and it was Tyler. He wanted to talk to you but i told him you were still sleeping and then that got me thinking. Only a true boyfriend would come to your house just to work things out with you. I remember your father did that all the time and well its time for me to move on. Hes been dead for over 3 months and I cant keep hiding myself in the dark. So i started with cooking breakfast. Im gonna start cooking breakfast every Saturday and Sunday and you, me, and your brother are all gonna talk about the memories we have of your father. Now go get your brother."

"Wait. Did you say that Tyler came by?"

"Yeah. Since you were sleeping he asked me if I would give you this note and I told him that I would."


"Well what?"

"Well.... Where's the note?"

"Oh oh oh. Umm. One second. I can't remember where I put it. I think it's in the bowl on the coffee table in the living room."

My mom and I both walked into the living room and my mom bragged the letter out of the bowl.

Oh here it is. My mom smiled.

"Now will you please go get Logan before the food gets cold."


I started reading Tyler's letter as I was walking up the stairs.

"Mackenzie, I am so extremely sorry about last night. My temper got the best of me and I shouldn't of reacted the way that I did. I was just aggravated. I understand if you never wanna talk to me again. I'm such a bad boyfriend and I don't deserve someone as nice and caring, and honest as you. Your like the most beautifulest and sweetest girl I think I have ever met. I miss you a lot and I hope that you forgive me. I love you. Tyler."

I started thinking to myself, awwh that was so extremely sweet. I can't possibly stay mad at him forever. He's so sweet and now I reel bad running out like that. After standing at the top of the stairs I started walking again.

"Logan mom made breakfast and she wants you to come eat. Were gonna talk about our memories of dad."

"GO AWAY!" He said slurring the speech.

"Logan? Are you drunk?"

"Fuck no."

"Mom, Logans been drinking again," I yelled downstairs

"Logan Kayley Burns. How many times do i have to tell you that if your gonna be living in this house you cant drink." Mom said yelling.

"Shut up. Im 22 years old. I think i can do whatever I want I'm not about to listen to an old person about what i can and cant do."

Mom went upstairs and slapped my brother.

"If your gonna talk to me like that then you can just leave."

I butted in.

"Both of you shut up, geez.. I'm sick of listening to it.. What happened to talking about the memories of dad, and breakfast?"

"Well if you wouldn't of said anything about my drinking then this wouldn't of happened." Logan said to me in a drunken voice.

"Your an alcoholic and you need help."

"I'm not a fucking alcoholic."

"You know Logan the first step to recovery is admitting that your an alcoholic. Then the second step and being willing to get help."

"Just shut up. I'm not an alcoholic, I don't have a problem, and I'm perfectly fine the way am."

"Well... I was just trying to help."

"I don't want your help. I don't need help."

"Umm. Alright then. Well if you don't mind I think I'm gonna go down and eat some breakfast cause I'm hungry and I'm not gonna let anyone ruin my mood."

"I don't think you need any food you fatass." Logan said smirking.

"And I'm proud of my ass." I sarcasticly smiled.


Second chapter(: I hope your enjoying the book so far. I'm trying so hard to work on my writing skills to make the story better and more intense.

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