Authors Note and Sneak Peak(:

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Okay, so right now I am working on Chapter 14 for Brothers Bestfriend. I know I told you guys that I would have it done by yesterday and it would of already been uploaded but I have been extremely busy. Dealing with family and friends and all this other shit. I promise that I will have this chapter uploaded by tomorrow or Thursday. I am about 1/3 done.


Also, I wanna again say that I am extremely happy that my book is starting to take off. I feel that people are starting to discover it and some like it, and maybe some don't but I wanna thank all of you guys that read my book and fanned me, or commented me, or voted for my story. I really wanna get this story improved so I can possibly have a chance for the Watty Awards, but I have a long ways to go.


Oh, and please please please fan me, comment on my story, message me, or vote for Brothers Bestfriend. I wanna know if you all like it and I wanna know personally. If you don't wanna comment or vote or fan me then just send me a message. PLEASE NO MEAN OR HARSH COMMENTS!


And heres a little sneak peak. Enjoy(:

Tyler's POV

Mackenzie, Oh my god. What has happened to you? I remember when I first started dating you, you were so sweet and nice and happy. Nothing could make you upset or mad then you and Logan both changed when your dad died, and now things are so different. I miss my sweet little innocent Kenzie. The doctors have put her on 72 hour suicide watch. I mean that's understandable cause she's pregnant and those sleeping pills could of really effected the babies. I can't imagine what she's going through right now. I wanna help her so much but its like she just don't care anymore. That girl in front of me is all I have ever wanted since the day she turned 13. So beautiful. I even remember what she was wearing. White booty shorts and a spaghetti strap pink and black ruffled shirt. She had Taylor Swift blonde and brown curls. Her makeupp perfect as always. She was hanging out with Kelsey that day. I remember cause Kelsey told me that she saw me looking at Kenzie. I love her so much and I never want to lose her I just don't know if I need to move on or if marriage would be the right thing. I don't even know if she would say yes. It will be our 16 month anniversary Friday, and today is Monday. Mackenzie will be out on Wednesday, and Friday I can take her out to dinner and do it in front of everyone. She will not be able to say no then. But am I ready for that commitment at 20 I'm about to turn 21 and I wanna be able to go out with my friends hangout with them not take care of two twins and a wife or soon to be wife and if we get married then we'll need a house or apartment. We would be completely on our own and I dont know if I would be up for that. This is like one of the biggest decisions that I've had to make so far. I bet that's gonna change when the twins are born. No matter what Kenzie says she is not putting those kids up for adoption. She was almost put up for adoption and if she was she would of never met me and would not be in this position but this is what is gonna make her start thinking. Extremely hard. I really just need to go home and think then I think ill come back in a few hours and talk to Mackenzie if she's up for that but I don't wanna leave her side in a time like this.

"Hey. Tyler, you've been here for over 24 hours and have gotten no sleep. I think you should head home for a few hours and take a nap and eat and maybe wash up. This hospital food is disgusting, and that couch over there isn't really that comfortable and you've been watching Mackenzie sleep for like the past 5 hours. I'll let you know when she wakes up so you know when to come back!" Mackenzies mom said suggestly.

"No, Mrs. Burns. It's fine! I'm gonna stay just a little bit longer I don't wanna be gone whenever she wakes up and make her think I haven't been here." I said sweetly.

"Oh Tyler. It's okay. I can tell Mackenzie that you were tired and hungry so you went home for a few hours, and I don't think she will mind you leaving. Logan should be here in a few minutes, she'll still have someone here with her besides me."

"Are you sure? I mean I don't really went her to be upset cause I'm not here, and wait, what do you mean Logan will be here in a few minutes. Where did he go?"

"He called me from a payphone yesterday saying he needed to clear his head and that he had 100 dollars with him, and he called me this morning and I could tell he was in a hotel cause the number came up on my phone. He said he would be home in a few hours but I told him to come to the hospital cause Mackenzie was there again."

"Oh, alright. Well I honestly don't wanna be around him right now so I think it would be best if I headed home right now."

"Okay. I completely understand. You and Logan have been having problems so I get it. Please drive safely. I really don't want another person I care about in a car accident."

"Okay Mrs. Burns. I will and thank you!" I smiled.

As soon as I walked out the door and I saw Logan walk threw.

"Hey sister kisser." Logan smirked.

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