Chapter 37

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Winnie fidgeted in the chair she was bound to. The news of Wells's real name was no shock to her, Cisco had already revealed it when he'd gone into his dreams.

She tried to wiggle out of the ropes, but it was to no avail, she was trapped. Noticing a strange blue light on one of the armrests, Winnie looked down and saw some sort of glowing bracelet on her hand.

"I don't understand." Eddie said, staring up at his kidnapper. "Why do you have my name?"

"Why?" Eobard Thawne asked rhetorically, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "Well, cause we're family, Eddie."

Winnie watched as he casually tossed something across the room while speaking, she was still trying to do something. It was after all, better than nothing.

"Funny, I haven't seen you at any reunions or weddings." Eddie commented as Eobard turned to look at Winnie for a few seconds, spinning back around to speak once again.

Winnie wanted to talk, to remind Eddie that they were dealing with time travel.

Eobard laughed, "That is funny. And the reason for that... is because as far as those guest lists are concerned, I haven't been born yet."

"So that's why you didn't kill me that night at Star Labs?" Eddie concluded, his descendant only shrugging in response.

"This whole thing... it's been about me?" Eddie asked.

"Not a chance." Eobard replied, squatting down to his ancestor's level, "You, my friend, are simply my insurance."

"Mm mmm mm mm." Winnie tried to say, attempting to pull her arms out of the ropes.

Smiling, the Reverse Flash stood up and turned around, his eyes meeting Winnie's as she halted.

"You're not going anywhere, my dear Winnifred. There's no point in trying."


That Night...

Danny sat on one of the office chairs in Star Labs' cortex, tapping his foot against the ground and staring blankly at one of the walls. He'd been brooding and sulking ever since he'd gotten back, angry at himself for letting the Reverse Flash take his best friend.

A sudden whoosh rushed into the room, Barry appearing in his Flash suit out of breath. The man's sudden appearance causing everyone to look up with hope.

"Anything?" Danny asked, but he could already tell from the speedster's downcast expression that Winnie was nowhere to be found.

This fact kept him from feeling surprised when Barry shook his head despondently. And yet, Danny's face still fell, looking more doleful than before.

"We'll find her guys." Cisco said, wanting to keep their spirits as high as they could be.

Danny didn't respond, instead, he stood up and left the room, kicking the walls as he made his way into the hall outside the room.

"Danny." Caitlin said, her voice soft as she tried calling him back

"I'll talk to him." Barry said, following him out.

Barry found Danny standing in front of one of the walls, his one hand propping himself up as he stared down at the floor.

"What are you doing here?" Danny asked, his voice gruff.

"I came to make sure that you're okay." Barry replied, stopping a few feet away from the blonde.

"I want to be alone."

Adorkable - Barry AllenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora