Chapter 8

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It had been two weeks since Winnie had woken up and she was getting a bit sick of all the tests. It seemed that Caitlin was running every single one availible on her and it was getting pretty old. She understood why Caitlin felt the need to run all of them but Winnie was tired of being stuck inside without any plants or fresh air. 

Sure, she was getting along wonderfully with everyone, especially Cisco. They both had quite a bit in common but, Winnie missed the outdoors, she missed Iris, and she missed Barry. 

Every other day, Joe would come in to check up on Winnie and they would talk about their day but,most days were the same when she was cooped up in Star Labs.

"I'm telling you, Winn. You have to watch Inception! It's one of the best movies ever created!"

"I would have but, I already told you that I never got around to it. If you really want me to watch it so bad, why don't you just bring the DVD over and we can watch it together?"

"Alright, alright. But, I'm holding you to that." Cisco grinned back at Winnie, "Now, let's try it again."

"Ugh." Winnie groaned. While Caitlin had been trying to make sure Winnie was healthy, the doctor had also assigned Cisco the task of helping their patient with her physical therapy. Unlike Barry, Winnie's muscles had distrophied and she had some trouble walking. 

"Why did I have to go into a coma and go through this pain?" Winnie sighed. She used her arms to help push herself off the hospital bed that she had been using. Cisco walked up to where Winnie was standing and stood close enough for her to grab on to him, if need be. 

"It's too late now, you're just going to have to deal with it until you can walk normally. Now, come on we've got some walking to do." Cisco held out his arms for Winnie to hold on to for support and took a step back.

Winnie wobbled for a second as she moved one leg forward. As Cisco took another step back, Winnie tried her best to keep her legs steady and took another step. 

"You know what? How about I take you out wherever you want once you're back to walking by yourself? We could go to a restaurant or the movie theatre, maybe an amusement park of sorts. My treat." Cisco said perking up at all of the ideas.

"Are you trying to incentivize me, Cisco?" Winnie asked, raising her eyebrow.

"Maybe I am, or maybe I just want to spend time with my new friend. We are friends, right?"

"Of course, Cisco." Winnie said, "I'd like to spend time with my new friend too."

Cisco smiled and stopped walking, causing Winnie to bump into him.

"Oh, sorry. I wasn't paying attention." Winnie apologized.

"No, that's amazing, actually. You just walked more than you have the past few days! That's progress!" Cisco said excitedly.

Winnie turned around and realized that they had moved all the way out into the hallway. She hadn't even noticed. 

"At this rate, I'll be taking you out in no time." Cisco continued, "Oh, maybe I can take you to the Harry Potter Convention in October! It's going to be so awesome this year because I finally have someone else to go with me!"

"Yeah, I'm so excited. I usually have to drag Barry along with me but, now I don't have to!" Winnie said with a huge smile plastered on her face.

The two began to walk again, with Cisco leading the way again.

"We can dress up and everything! What's your house?" Cisco asked. 

"My house is-"

"Cisco!" A voice yelled from behind. 

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