Chapter 15

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1 Week Later...

"Oh my god! That tickles!" Winnie laughed, squirming around.

"Stop moving, Winnie!" Caitlin said as she moved the end of the stethoscope on Winnie's back. Frank was wagging his tail and panting from the middle of the cortex watching Winnie get all excited.

"What's going on? Are we playing? Can I join?" He whined. He wanted to play too.

"No, Frank. We're not playing, go bother Cisco." Winnie yelled back at him from the other side of the clear doors.

Frank sighed and scampered over to Cisco who gave Frank a quick rub before getting back to his tablet.

The three plus Frank were in Star Labs running tests on Winnie, checking up on her and testing to see what could have changed in her biologically. She'd explained to the two scientists what had happened in her garden and they honestly didn't know what could have happened.

"Knock, knock." Everyone turned their heads to see Dr. Wells come in. Frank didn't know what it was about this man but, there was something just off about him. Though, he didn't say anything because he figured it was probably just him. After all, he was friends with Winnie and if she trusted this wheel man, then so would Frank.

"I thought we could head over to the cortex. Check up on Barry." Dr. Wells suggested. Barry had gone on patrol, searching the city for any crime that may be about.

"Sure, let me just finish up." Caitlin said, recording her notes on the sound of Winnie's heartbeat. 

All four of them made their way down to the main room they spent time in with Frank ambling along behind.

As they were walking, Caitlin and Cisco began arguing over a topic they had probably been talking about earlier. They both carried their tablets, tapping away as the tension rose.

"Check the math, your dispersal models don't correlate." Caitlin said condescendingly.

"Uh, they do if you factor in the seasonal fluctuations in reproduction cycles." Cisco retorted back.

Dr. Wells and Winnie looked at each other in confusion.

"What exactly are we debating?" Dr. Wells asked.

"The average number of bugs Barry swallows in a day of running." Cisco said matter of factly.

Winnie stifled a laugh as Dr. Wells grinned, "I look forward to seeing you accept your Nobel."

Frank made his way to the front of the group, sniffing something strange in the air, something familiar.

He rushed ahead and ran straight into the cortex, the others exchanging looks as they ran after him. 

"Barry, are you okay?" Winnie could hear Frank ask, causing her stomach to drop off a cliff. She rushed forward and gasped at what she saw.

Coming into the room, Winnie was greeted by the sight of Barry crumpled and bloody on the floor in front of the console. Frank had already made his way over to Barry, licking his wounds, trying to make him feel better.

"Barry!" Winnie yelled, falling to his side, hoping he'd be alright. Barry just groaned in response as the others joined making a circle around the injured speedster. Caitlin nudged Frank out of the way and got to work, worry deep in her eyes.


 "Hey, Danny." Winnie said looking up from the cash register, "I'll get to you in a second."

She turned her head back to the woman standing in front of her, "Trust me, begonias are perfect for avid gardeners. Your dad's going to love it."

"Thank you so much. You're a life saver." The customer thanked Winnie as she pulled out her wallet. Once she paid, Winnie handed her the packet of seeds and waving her goodbye.

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