Chapter 33

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Sorry it took so long everybody. I had some trouble coming up with something for this episode. I also didn't feel like reading everything over again. I don't know how many mistakes there are, but I think it should be fine. I honestly didn't know what I was doing but hopefully you all like it. :)


Two Days Later...

Just as Winnie had suspected, she didn't get much sleep over the next two nights. She kept waking up every hour, completely exhausted. And yet, her mind wouldn't follow her body's cues, deciding to keep her up as long as it could.

It was 5:30 in the morning by the time she gave up on the second night. Smushing her face into her pillow, flat on her stomach, she pushed herself out of bed. Frank didn't stir, still soundly asleep despite his owner's constant groaning throughout the night. 

She padded out of bed, her footsteps silent as she changed and brushed her teeth, brushing the knots out of her hair.

Going down the stairs, ensuring that she didn't wake up her dad or Barry, she snuck out of the house and into the empty backyard.

She took in a deep breath of the fresh air that came with early spring, the place still dark from the lack of sun. Winnie walked down the steps, strolling over to the shed filled with her gardening supplies. 

She pulled out everything she needed, a lamp, her pair of yellow gardening gloves, her handheld spade, and a little wagon filled with small pots of tiny little plants, just barely sprouting out of the soil.

With that, she went to work, an hour, two hours passing by, her lovingly planting each one in the ground with care. 

She hummed along to a random tune playing in her head as she carefully patted down the layer of dirt that she'd covered the last of the little sproutlings.

Just as she finished, she looked around to see her handy work, a small smile blooming on her face as she proudly gazed at her labours. She pulled off one of her gloves, still kneeling down and place the tips of her fingers on the inicule green vine, feeling the life pulsing in and out of it.

"Hey." Barry said, abruptly snapping her out of her daze as she whipped her head around to see him, "You're up early."

"Couldn't sleep." She said, not bothering to elaborate. Looking up at him, she noticed that his hands were behind his back, "What'cha got there?"

She tilted her head curiously as she stared at the spot that she imagined his hands would be.

He just grinned, pulling out a sun hat from behind his back, walking over to place it over her head. She playfully pushed him away as far as she could, yelling, "No! Not the old lady hat!"

"Yes, the old lady hat. You need sun protection." Barry insisted, laughing as he tried to make sure that she wore it.

"What? But, the sun's just barely been out." Winnie whined, moving a few steps away from him to avoid the accessory. 

He looked to her, his face suddnly growing serious, "Sunburn's no joke, Winn. I'm speaking from experience."

"You mean that time you kept on telling dad that you didn't need sunscreen? It was the one day we went to the beach that year, I still have no clue why you thought it'd be a good idea." Winnie said, the memory causing both to think back to that day, "Add some sparkles and you would've looked like something out of a Valentine's Day card."

"And it's a mistake I'll never make again." Barry said, "Please put it on?" 

"I was going to go in anyways." She said, really not wanting to wear the horrible looking thing. It wasn't that dreadful, but something about the puke coloured design just didn't bode well with Winnie.

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