Chapter 34

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Hehehe. I've been waiting since chapter 1 to use this gif! That scene was too funny and awkward! :)

I'm so terribly sorry this took so long, but hopefully the length sort of makes up for it? 🤷🏻‍♀️ It's over 10k words for over 10k reads (Thank you guys so much for that)! I'm also really sorry for forgetting to add this first scene to chapter 33, I think it still fits the rest of the chapter though. It's an extra long chapter! Enjoy, guys!


A Week Later...

Winnie was snuggled up in her room, lying on her bed with her laptop sitting in front of her.

Frank wasn't there, despite what you may have imagined and he definitely wasn't at Danny's either. That night, like he'd been starting to every once in a while, Frank was sleeping in Joe's room, the two having bonded after Winnie's kidnapping months earlier.

It was something that made Winnie smile, knowing Joe wasn't very interested in housing the husky in the first place.

Absentmindedly, she scrolled through all of the spam and junk mail that had accumulated in her account over the past year. It was something she was able to accomplish, thanks to Felicity, who helped her recover her passwords.

She'd ignored the most recent ones, settling for the oldest messages she could find, deleting the useless and organizing the ones worth saving.

After about an hour of patience, Winnie'd finally made her way to the final one, curiosity striking her after a glance at the subject line. Scrunching up her face, she began to read it, her eyebrows lifting up in surprise, the further along she got.



Subject: Soilmates Manager

Good day, Ms. West.

We hope you are well. We've recently received news from one, Oliver Queen, that you are healthy and awake. Last year, we were terribly upset to find that you did not make it to Starling City, but we completely understand why you were unable to.

We would kindly like to offer you the position of manager of the Soilmates operation here in Starling City once again. Our offer will stand for the next month. Otherwise, we'll continue our search for the next manager of our greenhouse elsewhere.

We truly believe you'd make a wonderful addition to our team and hope to hear from you soon.


All of us from Starling City's Soilmates

Once Winnie had finished reading her email, she looked up, still unsure of what she had just seen. There were so many thoughts running through her mind, but only one word was able to come out of her mouth in response, "Oh."


The Next Morning...

"It feels like we haven't gone out in forever." Iris said, her arm looped around her sister's.

"Yeah, sure feels that way, huh?" Winnie smiled, glad to be spending some time with Iris after not doing anything together in a while.

"I can't believe that this time last year, you and Barry were in a coma. Time seems to have just flown right by." Iris contemplated, "I was so worried about you two. And, you didn't even get to move into the apartment you rented in Starling."

"Erm... yeah..." Winnie trailed off, pulling at the collar of her shirt nervously. She hadn't had much time to ponder over the life changing decision since the other night. It was best she kept it to herself until she had some time to mull it over.

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