Chapter 4

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December 2013

Starling City

Barry was in a lab with Felicity Smoak when his phone rang.

"Sorry, Felicity. I should take this." He said, moving to the center of the room. "Hello?"

"Oh god, Barry. I'm so, so sorry. I was talking with my dad at CCPD and I accidentally let it slip that you weren't sick in front of Singh. And now, he is very angry and I'm so, so sorry." Winnie said, speaking exasperatedly.

"Hey, hey. Winnie. Stop, you don't need to apologize. It's okay. I know you didn't mean to." 

"I know, but I feel horrible. I'm sorry. Captain Singh said that he better see you tomorrow morning by 8:45 latest, if you want to keep your job."

Barry sighed, "It's okay, Winnie. I'll be on the next train." He put his hand up to forehead to try to stop an oncoming headache.

"Can I pick you up? It's the least I can do. I mean I'm the whole reason that you were caught and I feel terrible about it and-"

"Yeah, sure. It's faster than walking. And don't feel bad about it, it's not your fault. I'm sure Singh would've figured it out eventually." Barry tried to say reassuringly.

"Oh, I also got you a souvenir. I know that you love it when I bring stuff back from my trips."

"Thanks Bare. I do love them and thank you for being so understanding about it. You're the best."

"I know I am." Barry chuckled.

"Call me before you get on the train, so I know when to pick you up."

"I will, promise. Bye Winnie."

"Bye Barry." With that, Barry hung up his phone and put his hands on his face in frustration.

When he turned back to Felicity, she raised her eyebrow at him questioningly.

"Well, my boss found out that I don't have food poisoning. I have to get back to Central City if I still want to be employed."

Felicity nodded her head. She wasn't sure if she should ask who this Winnie person was. She felt disappointed at the thought of Barry not being single. "You got a souvenir for someone?"

"Oh. Oh yeah, I-I did. It's for my best friend. Winnie. She was the one who called. Whenever I go on one of these trips, she loves it when I bring her back something." 

"Oh. Well, that's very sweet." Felicity said, very touched at the kind gesture and glad that Barry wasn't in a relationship with this girl.

"Thanks." Barry replied rubbing the back of his neck.

The two were quiet for the next few minutes, not sure what to say. It was fairly awkward.

"So... you have to go?" Felicity said deciding to break the silence.

"Yeah. Can you tell the SCPD that the sedative in the theif's blood is ketamine. It's a schedule three controlled substance. It shouldn't be too hard to track."

"Yeah, I'll make sure they get it." 

They both nodded their heads, unsure of how to continue the conversation.

"It was really nice--" 

"Thank you for the--"

The two tried to ramble at the same time, with both trying to convey their fondness of the other's company and failing. Ending with Barry soundlessly moving his lips, while he thought of what he could say to her.

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