Chapter 28

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Yes, I do realize that Barry's real comic book birthday is March 19 but, I'm going to be following his CW birthday (which is a lot cooler).


3 Weeks Later...

Winnie woke up with a bright smile on her face, knowing exactly what day it was. She jumped out of bed, quickly changed, and brushed her teeth before she ran down to the room at the end of the hall, not caring if she woke anybody up.

Frank, who had been having a wonderful dream about chasing pigeons, was rudely awoken and grumbled as he laid his head back on his bed.

Winnie threw open the door and rushed inside, yelling, "Happy birthday Bare!"

"Gahhh!" He screamed, caught off guard by Winnie's shouts, startling him from his sleep. He rubbed his bleary eyes and glanced at his alarm clock to see it was 7:00 AM, "Come on, Winn. Can't you just let me sleep in on my birthday, just once?"

"Nope, it's tradition." Winnie said, matter of factly as she walked over to his bed and pushed him, trying to encourage him to leave his comfy sheets, "Now, go get changed! I've got to make you some pancakes!" 

"No, I don't want t- woah!" He howled, falling off the bed. 

Seeing what she'd done, Winnie gave a sheepish smile to Barry telling him, "Whoops. Didn't mean to do that, but you might as well get ready while you're down there." 

She raced out of the room and down the stairs, gleefully going two steps at a time. When she got to the bottom however, she was greeted by Barry, who was already all cleaned up and changed. 

"You know, this is one of those instances where I'm not the biggest fan of your super speed. What are you going to fo while I make you pancakes?" Winnie said, placing her hands on her hips and frowning.

Barry shrugged, his cheeks warming up as he said, "I-I just wanted to help you make some."

Sighing, Winnie let her frown soften into a smile, saying, "All right, just don't pull an Iris."

Barry chuckled, "Only Iris could mess up pancakes that bad."


Winnie was washing the dishes as Barry finished up the last of his pancakes at the kitchen island, licking his lips in an attempt to get rid of the sticky syrup.

"Mmmm. God, these are delicious, Winn." Barry said, exaggeratedly rubbing his stomach for extra effect.

"Well, they're the same ones as always, though it probably tastes slightly different because of the extra milk." Winnie said, scrubbing the frying pan she'd used. Barry watched the sun shine through the window and onto her face, he noted her quick peeks out the window every few minutes, not quite sure what she kept looking at. 

"Hey, the measuring cup was not clear. The numbers were so faded away, I couldn't read them." Barry said defensively, wiping his mouth.

"And, I told you which line to pour it to, but you ended up going to 2 cups before I could even check." 

Just as Winnie finished her sentence, Barry got a call on his phone, "Cisco?"

"Yeah? You want to go now?" Barry asked, as Winnie couldn't hear a thing that Cisco was saying. "Fine. Yes, all right, I'll go."

Hanging up, Barry picked up his dishes and walked over to the sink, using his speed to finish up the dirty plates and utensils Winnie still had to clean.

"Hey!" She exclaimed, bringing her hands to her hips, "It's your birthday, you don't need to do that."

"Cisco said that he wants to hang out for my birthday. Told me to meet him at Jitters." Barry told her,, "I couldn't just leave you with all these dishes."

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