Chapter 19

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Two Weeks Later...

Winnie, Caitlin, and Cisco all walked into the massive glass building Winnie formerly knew as Queen Consolidated. 

She glanced around, memories flashing through her mind as she remembered all of the times she'd visited the skyscraper in the past.

Caitlin opened the door so all of them could get inside.

"Almost done here, Jerry." Felicity said as they made their way into her office. "You should have gone home hours ago."

"Who's Jerry?" Caitlin asked, causing Felicity to look up.

"This place is bigger than my apartment." Cisco added on, looking around in awe.

"What are you guys doing here?" Felicity asked.

"You asked us to analyze the DNA of the arrow that killed Sara." Caitlin replied.

"I was... just going to mail you the sample." She said, looking down at her tablet and tapping a few times."

"We had some vacation days coming." Caitlin explained.

"And even though I already took a bunch of vacation days, my boss is out of town and she didn't give me the ke-" Winnie began but was cut off by Cisco.

"We want to see the Arrowcave." 

"I want to see it too but, I'm mostly just here to visit my favourite people from Starling City." Winnie chimed in, knowing she was of no use to any of the science geniuses that surrounded her.

Hearing Cisco's choice of phrasing, Felicity grimaced and bit her lip. "We don't call it that." She  said as started to walk away, "Ever."

"I want to see the toys!" Cisco pleaded, his hands buried in his pockets, "I need to see the toys."

"Cisco... maybe you should settle down a bit." Winnie tried to suggest as Felicity stared at Cisco uncertain of her choices.

Cisco ignored Winnie and grinned at Felicity, "Do you guys have an Arrowmobile?"


"Hi, Ollie!" Winnie shouted as Felicity lead  their little group into the Arrowcave.

Winnie broke off from the rest so she could run towards her dear friend. She jumped into his arms and excitedly told him, "This place is so awesome! Who knew Verdant is actually a cover for your base of operations?"

"Hi, Winnie. Thank you but, what are you all doing here? Especially you, Winn. I told you that I would decide when it would be safe to come." Oliver said sternly.

"Seriously? I come all the way here only to end up getting a lecture? It's not like I'm going to go gallivanting around the city, walking into the darkest and scariest alleys all by myself."

"Sorry. I just-"

"Don't want to see me hurt. I already know and I understand but, you use this excuse every time. You've got to switch it up every once in a while." Winnie said, looking at Oliver adamantly.

"I'll try." He replied softly, letting himself/ smile.

After they let go, Winnie went to look around as Oliver turned his attention to a hyperactive Cisco, trying to touch everything he could get his hands on.

"Dont. Touch. That." He told him. Cisco moved over to touch a different kind of arrow, causing Oliver to scowl at him. "Or that. It's a jettisoning arrow. Uses compressed CO2-"

"Compressed CO2 to jettison high tensile strength polymer cables." Cisco interjected from excitement, cutting off Oliver in the process.

"Yep." He said aggravated by the scientist.

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