Chapter 22

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I know that I said that I would write a couple chapters before posting but, I feel like it's been forever. I have only been able to finish this chapter and the next one so, I guess I'll just try to continue. I don't know. Oh well, enjoy!


A Month Later...

"Nope. No. Absolutely not!" Winnie said as she covered her eyes with her hands, though the action didn't do much as she still peeked in between her fingers. "I can't watch you guys blow up Barry."

Caitlin, Cisco, Dr. Wells, and Winnie were all watching Barry train. He was trying to build up his speed and he was doing so by having Cisco fly drones that shot out missiles at Barry. Something Winnie was extremely uncomfortable with and against yet, Barry had somehow convinced her to stay and 'watch'.

"That was too close." Caitlin informed Cisco, who was controlling the missiles. 

Winnie groaned, not liking what she was hearing. "Please, please, don't kill him, Cisco."

"He told me to make it hard." Cisco replied, not fully paying attention as he was focused on piloting the flying vehicle.

"He didn't tell you to make him dead." Caitlin shot back.

"Remember this is just supposed to be a training exercise to improve Barry's speed." Dr. Wells told them all.

Over the comms, Winnie could hear Barry yell, "Cisco, you gonna bring it or what?"

"Oh no." She whispered, trying her best to look away.

Ignoring her, Cisco looked to Dr. Wells for permission. He in turn, nodded telling Cisco to, "Bring it."

Cisco let the right side of his mouth curl up into a smirk as he tapped a few buttons on his tablet.

"God, I don't want to look." Winnie said, turning away from where she had previously been peeking at Barry.

She waited for him to finish, the sound of an explosion causing her to anxiously bite her lip.

"Are-are you guys sure this is the safest way for Barry to train. I mean, why can't we just run a simulator with that fancy infinity treadmill thing or-or have him practice sprinting like runners do. It's a lot safer and I'm sure that no one has gotten injured running, save for some scrapes or bliste-" Winnie rambled, trying to think of something that wouldn't put her through such agony. She was in the middle of her rant when Cisco placed a hand on her arm gently.

He gave her a soft smile to assure her, "He'll be fine, Winn. He's going to have to practice facing explosions and all sorts of dangerous scenarios out there. The best way for him to prepare for that is to recreate similar environments, though this is probably much safer since we don't actually want to kill him."

Winnie nodded her head, despite her worries, "Just don't invite me next time, please."

He gave her arm a quick squeeze before he let go and turned his attention back to Barry.

The exchange helped Winnie feel a teensy bit relieved but, that soon disappeared when she heard Caitlin say, "Why isn't he running away? Barry, run away."

Winnie swiveled around just in time to seee Barry running towards the missile. Her nerves were climbing up the walls, screaming at her as she grabbed her hair for something to pull on. 

Soon enough, they could see a large explosion. But, it wasn't Barry that had blown up, it was the drone. 

Winnie was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief, "It's over right? No more training for today? Cause if there's anymore, I'm leaving."

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