Chapter 21

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Cisco, Caitlin, and Winnie were back in the mall parking garage, the two women following closely behind Cisco.

They followed his device's readings as they steadily became higher.

"We follow the ionized particles and that should lead us right to him." Cisco said, walking until he approached a door.

Not letting that deter him, he opened the door and went down into the dark and damp basement.

Caitlin went a few steps after him, not bothering to check up on Winnie, who faltered. After realizing that both of her friends were going down there with or without her, she made her way down as well.

"Why did it have to be some creepy basement? Why not a nice little field of flowers or something?" Winnie muttered as she tried to catch up to the two before her paranoia really kicked in.

As they neared the end of the stairs, Cisco's device began making noises, "The CPMs are increasing."

They all followed the readings as Winnie squished herself in between Caitlin and Cisco. 

"We should have told Dr. Wells and Barry." Cisco said.

"No, not until we're sure it's him." Caitlin argued.

"But then, they'll at least know where we are if anything happens to us." Winnie said anxiously, hugging her body.

Seeing how uncomfortable her friend was, Caitlin held Winnie's hand. "We're going to be fine."

 "Look, Ronnie is not like you remembered him." Caitlin said, looking at Cisco as the three of them walked down a darker hallway.

"What does that mean?" Cisco asked.

"Just don't freak out when you see him, okay?" 

Out of nowhere, the power in Cisco's device disappeared, causing Winnie to jump.

"Oh... I really wish that was because the batteries were dead." Cisco said, looking down at his device.

"Are you guys really sure we should keep going?" Winnie asked, unsure of how safe they all were.

Her two friends soundlessly trudged on, pulling her along with them. As they made their way down the hall, a dark figure emerged.

"Ronnie?" Caitlin asked, letting go of Winnie's hand. "Ronnie, it's me. Cait. Look I brought Cisco with me and my new friend Winnie. We're here to help you.... You were in an accident. Do you remember?" 

Ronnie shook his head, his voice sounding strained as he said, "I'm not Ronnie."

"Yes, you are. You're Ronnie Raymond." Caitlin tried to say in her most assuring voice.

"Cait, I-uh... I don't think you should push him too much." Winnie whispered from behind her friends.

"I'm not Ronnie. I told you that." He responded sounding aggravated, "Now get away from me."

Caitlin took his hand in hers, ignoring his statements. "Look, we just need to take you back to Star Labs. We'll help you remember who you are."

The man suddenly the man grabbed Caitlin's face and whispered in her face, "Firestorm."

He let go of her and abruptly lit himself on fire, causing Winnie to gasp. 

She stared into the flames, her eyes big. Memories flashed through her mind, smoke filling her lungs and her own screams filling her head. She panted heavily as she tried to pull herself together.

It was just a little fire. 

But, she couldn't help the anxiety that rose through her as she became dizzy with fear. Before she knew it, the man and the fire was gone, leaving only the terrible thoughts inside of Winnie's mind. She was frozen in place, unable to move and unresponsive to anything Caitlin and Cisco were saying to her.

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