Chapter 35

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They both looked so adorably awkward in this scene! ❤

I loved writing this chapter and I hope you all like reading it just as much I do!


The Next Evening...

"Where's Barry?" Eddie asked, sitting down on the couch. Cisco, Caitlin, Eddie, Danny, Winnie, and Joe were all gathered at the West household, awaiting Barry, who had gone out to get dinner.

"He should be here any second, I sent him out for so-" Joe said, cut off as a whoosh blew right past him, Barry appearing next to the coffee table.

"Pizza!" He announced, setting down the three boxes in his hands.

"What?!" Cisco exclaimed, excited to have some.

"Oh, yes. I'm starving." Winnie said, licking her lips as she flopped down on the couch.

"From... Coast City?" Eddie asked, surprised that he'd gone so far to get some.

"Supposedly the best in the West." Barry replied as everyone gathered around the table to get their share.

"Was that a pun?" Winnie asked, scrunching up her nose as she looked at Barry.

"Maybe." He shrugged, a big grin on his face as they all sat down.

"Why didn't I think of this before? Come to papa." Cisco said, hungrily grabbing a piece and taking a bite.

"You guys never had Barry pick up delicious food from far away places before?" Danny questioned with surprise, "Man, I would've had Barry go out every day if I'd found out sooner."

Danny grabbed a slice, groaning with delight as he chomped down on the salty treat.

Winnie picked up hers, though more delicately eating the edge as she wanted to savour every bite. Taking a quick glance around the room, Winnie suddenly realized that somebody wasn't with them.

"Caitlin? Don't you want some? It's soooo cheesy." Winnie moaned, happily letting the flavours soak into her mouth.

"I'm not hungry." She replied flatly, staying further away from them.

Joe went on to explain how they needed to go back to where it all started, Eddie wondering what that meant.

"Road trip baby!" Cisco said, clinking his beer with Joe's and Danny's.

"Joe, Danny, and Cisco are going to go to Starling City." Barry elaborated.

"Starling City? What for?" Caitlin questioned. She still wasn't fully on board with the idea that Dr. Wells was actually an evil killer that wanted something from Barry.

"To investigate the car accident Dr. Wells was in with Tess Morgan 15 years ago." Joe answered.

"I-I don't understand, why?" Caitlin continued to ask, her hands in her pocket as she didn't believe they had any reason to dig into Dr. Wells's business.

"Dr. McGee said that after Wells's accident, he became, like, a complete stranger. Just a different person entirely." Barry told her.

"Because the love of his life died?" Caitlin brought up, "You of all people understand how grief can change a person."

"Listen, Cait. We completely understand that, but we also believe that Dr. Wells is a murderer and some psycho genius that is planning something nefarious." Danny explained to her in between bites.

"Exactly. He could've done something to Tess Morgan. We have to learn everything we can about that night. See where that leads us." Joe added, Caitlin looking down.

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