Chapter 9

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- Bakugou's Perspective -

Damn I don't know how coffee did this much damage I mean I've seen Icyhot's face I know the damage a kettle can do but both of his legs? The more I wipe away though the calmer I get, as I wipe there seems to be less there. It just seems like he had a cut on his leg probably from a piece of his mug that and there were only a few small burns but the blood made it look worse . There were a few wounds on his feet too but not many I think he's fine. Still, his feet look pretty raw- I better go get Recovery Girl so he doesn't have an excuse not to train on Monday.

"Hey Deku- I'm gonna go get Recovery Girl."

"Yeah that would probably be a good idea." He laughs.

"Are you going to be okay alone?"

"Yeah I'll just wait here, it's not that painful anymore."

I sigh and head out the door. Did I scare him when I walked in to the kitchen or something? Why did he drop that damn All Might mug? Dumbass Deku always hurting himself for no damn reason he needs to become more careful or he's gonna cause more damage than good as a pro hero. Fuck I don't even know why I'm acting like I care about his career, I'll beat that loser to number one spot anyways.

I dart down the school halls and burst through Recovery Girl's office door, I'm kind of out of breath so I stand trying to catch myself before I speak. Scanning the room quickly I see to my surprise All Might failing to stuff a pillow into it's case as he tries to help Recovery girl change the sheets to one of the beds. There's a pile of bloody sheets by a sink behind them, some kid must have gotten really roughed up during training.

"It-It's Deku-" I barely pant out.

"Did he have another attack?!" All Might yells.

Attack? What? Recovery Girl stands on All Might's foot like that was something I shouldn't have heard. Is Deku sick? She shakes her head as if to try and pretend that never happened and looks to me to continue.

"No- uh he was burned all over his legs-" I look at the two suspiciously finally fully catching my breath. "He dropped a cup of coffee and it burned his legs, the mug cut him too I think. Look I don't know what you're hiding but I left him alone so you better go there quick."

Recovery Girls sighs in almost relief? What could they have expected that would have made this good news? She walks almost nonchalant-like past me and starts to head out the door before giving All Might a strange look then disappearing down the hallway. I look up at All Might to see if he'll say anything but he just looks out the window, ignoring my gaze. Okay- I see how it is but trust me when I say I will find out what's going on here.

- Izuku's Perspective -

Kacchan left about ten minutes ago, I've just been watching the weird show on the TV for now. The pain in my legs is getting worse again though so I hope he gets here soon. I hear the door open and shoot my glance over, It's Ochako and Mina. Damn I was hoping to get this fixed and be in my room by the time they got back.

"Deku? WHAT THE-" Ochako notices me first and runs over.

"Hey Ochako, I had a little accident." I laugh nervously hoping she won't freak out too much. "Kachhan-"

"BAKUGOU DID THIS!? OH HELL NAH!" Mina looks like she' ready for murder.

"No!" I barely stop her from leaving and going on a murderous rampage. "Kacchan went to go get Recovery Girl, I dropped my fresh coffee and my mug broke and the shards cut me. It wasn't Kacchan."


"Ochako, I swear to you it was not him. Do you really think he'd hurt me at midday, on a Saturday in the middle of the dorms, for no reason?"

"Yes. I think that's exactly what he'd do."

"Look, he may seem like an ass and like he's angry, edgy and hates the world-"

"That's exactly what he is." Mina interrupts still semi-pissed off.

"No, Mina, it's not. He's really not like that. You think he hurts me for no reason or because he hates me, but really he's just alone. He's got too much determination to get to the top spot and he thinks everyone else is in his way, just needs to realise we're not that's all. He's really not as bad as you see him. He doesn't hate everyone and everything, he just needs someone to understand him."

"Oh yea? Don't act like you know anything about me you damn nerd." Oh shit oh fuck you've got to be kidding me.

I look behind Mina to the doors, lo and behold there he is, the man him self Katsuki Bakugou. A short elderly lady stands next to him, must be Recovery Girl but I can't tell because my vision is already blurring over. You've got to be fucking kidding me. Anything will set this shit off nowadays I swear. What's with this bipolarized schedule too? I saw him twice today already, why now?

I try grabbing Ochako's attention discretely but she's staring at Kacchan, probably panicking too. I manage to grab Mina's attentions but she's not picking up my panic. In a feeble attempt to swallow it the air dry sucking in my stomach starts growing faster and my throat starts to itch. No, no, no he can't know. 

I stare at Recovery Girl, trying to push as much panic into my eyes as possible still trying not to be obvious, and thank the Gods at least she's not oblivious. She gets me immediately and I can see her trying to get Kacchan's attention. Thank god.

"Well, I need to take the patient to their room." She rushes over to me after failing to distract him and scoops me up with surprising strength before making a b-line for the elevator.

I think Ochako finally picks up because she runs ahead and calls the elevator. We rush in and Ochako starts spamming the button. As the elevator doors close I can just see a stunned Mina and Kacchan. God knows how I'm going to talk myself out of this with him, I'll probably find a way though, I've managed for like a year.

I slowly wriggle out of Recovery Girls arms nodding slightly as a thank you, scared to open my mouth. But the blood drips out anyway- shit

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