Chapter 24

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- Midoriya's Perspective -

Bakugou walks with me back to the dorms. We spent the rest of the afternoon playing that game and lost track of time. Both of us decided we should probably head back rather than risk sleeping in at home. I wanted to stay back, go home with mum and see if I could find any other pictures but I figured arguing would seem suspicious. 

I follow behind him slightly, I can't stop myself from staring at him every now and then. I knew something was up with it all. I have no attraction to girls at all but this. I wasn't expecting this. He obviously knows how I used to feel, why is he befriending me? What's his game? 

We don't live too far from the school and I've been so deep in thought that we arrive before I even notice. We continue to walk into the dorms in silence. Even the elevator ride is spent in silence. Just as I'm reaching for my door-

"Hey Midoriya-" He's looking at me, I don't turn to face him but I can feel his eyes on the back of my skull. 

"Yeah?" I say still without turning, he waits- for a second I think he's walked away. 

"Never mind." I hear his door quickly open and shut before I can even turn to look at him, what was that about?

- Bakugou's Perspective -

Somethings up with Deku. When I came back from the kitchen earlier he was all stiff. He wasn't nearly as good at the game as he was before either and that walk home. Complete silence. I've never seen the nerd quiet for longer than five minutes. Then just a minute ago- he wouldn't even turn to look me in the face. 

Could he have heard them? Inko and the hag? No- there's no way. I was right outside the door to the living room and I could barely hear them. So what was it? What happened? 

I kick my chest of drawers in frustration and plop down on my bed. It's freezing in here. Damn I left my window open. I grunt getting up to close it, still thinking about what could have happened. Maybe he saw something in my room? I slam the window shut and crawl into bed and dragging the covers over me. 

I wake up in a cold sweat. I can hear crying from Deku's room. Not again. I rush out of bed and to his door. Knocking slightly as I walk in but he's not in his bed. I look around frantically and notice the bathroom door is shut, light shining from underneath. The crying has stopped.


Suddenly I get a very deep and horrible feeling like a rock in my stomach and walk towards the door. As I open the door I take a deep breath trying to calm my nerves, it creaks loudly filling the silence around me. I see red droplets on the floor and my heart drops. Blood. I feel like something is climbing up my throat and I can't breathe but I keep going, my eyes following the trail of red to a shower. 

"Deku?" I whimper so quietly I'm not even sure I actually said it. 

I realise that the showers on as the sound of running water hits me. I squint my eyes at the frosted glass, I can tell he's sitting on the floor of the shower. There's more red- everywhere. The door to the shower opens and I nearly cry at the sight. Slumped over and lifeless Deku's eyes hang open. His mouth dripping blood. His wrists slit open feeding into the pool of blood and water that surrounds him. 

"Deku!" I yell and lunge forward. 

I slap his face lightly trying to wake up him up. He doesn't respond. His skin feels cold. The shower water beats down on us, it's scorching hot. The steam from the shower fills my lungs so I turn it off. 

"Come on please DEKU NO! WAKE UP." I scream.

Tears flood out of me as I try to listen for a heartbeat- nothing. I inspect his arms, thick cuts plastered over millions of little older ones. I gasp for air. I'm shaking horribly. Please Deku just wake up.  

"Kacchan?" He weakly looks up and I stop, completely taken by shock. 

"Deku." I can only whisper. 

I grab him and pull him in for a hug. He feels limp in my arms and his skin is still cold.

"Kacchan." He whispers back.

"Why Deku?" I cry, I can't help it. 

"Why?" He repeats back to me in an almost sarcastic tone. "Because of you Kacchan." He pauses as if to see my reaction and I give one to him, I pull away from the hug to look him in the face. "You did this to me Kacchan. This is your fault." 

There's orange flowers littering his body, growing out of the cuts in his arms. They sparkle against the pale of his skin and the deep red. One stretches out of his eye. He screams in pain, tears flooding out of his other eye. He grasps at his missing eye and looks at me. 


"YOU DID THIS." He screams through his tears.

I cry more, I did this. This is my fault. I stand up and back away from Deku as he cries. I did this. I run out, screaming for help but I can't hear it. I can't hear anything. It's all far away and muffled.

The sun beams in on me. My room is still cold. I sit up from my mattress panting like I've just ran a marathon. My eyes dart around the room, my room. It was a dream. A nightmare. I rub my head and sigh in relief, my hand brushes my pillow. It's damp. I can't tell if it's from tears or sweat. I place my hand on my chest, I can feel my heart beating a hundred miles a minute.

All I can see is Deku- those flowers. 

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