Chapter 27

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- Third Person Perspective -

Midoriya had fallen asleep. By the time he awoke to semi-aggressive knocking on his door it was dark out. His mouth was dry and his head bleary from the nap. He panicked reaching for his alarm clock feeling like he'd slept for days.

It was an hour.

He sat up and wiped his face with his hand. Glancing around the room and trying to get rid of the dry mouth when another loud knock filled the room. Midoriya stood up, cracking his back before walking over. When he opened the door he squinted at the light from the hallway. 

Bakugou stood in front of him looking somewhat panicked. The poor blonde had been stood outside Midoriya's door for five minutes knocking. Mean while his mind tormented him with the nightmare he'd had the other night. He sighed when Midoriya finally opened the door. 

"Bakugou? What are you doing here?" Hearing him say that name still sent a shiver up Bakugou's spine. 

"Just checking on you." He grumbled. "You weren't around at dinner." 

"Oh- I'm fine." Midoriya smiled and tried to close the door but Bakugou stopped him with his foot.

"Look-" He stopped himself from calling him Deku. "I know you didn't eat at breakfast or lunch Now you've skipped dinner. You've got to be hungry." 

"Oh-" Midoriya looked down and back up again nonchalantly. "I actually hadn't noticed." 

"Bullshit." Bakugou scoffed. "You're not- starving yourself. Right?" 

Midoriya let out a breathy laugh. It died a little too quickly as he went into thought.

"I don't think so?" He looks genuinely confused. 

"Well that's comforting." Bakugou rolled his eyes.

"Why do you care anyway?" Midoriya meets eyes with Bakugou, eyebrow cocked. 

"I-I don't." 

"Did you just stutter?" 

"No." Bakugou furrows his brows and backs away from the door. "Sorry I even bothered- fuck." 

He stormed off, leaving Midoriya a little confused. He looked around his dark room and rubbed his stomach. It groaned making him chuckle  bit and get out of bed, slipping on some black slippers and walking out the room past a pair of old All Might slippers tucked into a corner. 

He made his way downstairs, the dorms were usually pretty empty at this time. Most people in their rooms or busy doing something else. Midoriya shuffled into the kitchen. He opened the fridge lazily and dragged his eyes to scan the contents. Nothing. He huffed and grabbed a small carton of apple juice, pouring himself a glass before shuffling out of the kitchen again.

"Young Midoriya." A similar voice carried from the entrance of the dorms. 

"All  Might?" Midoriya turned to see All Might standing in the doorway looking oddly diffident. 

"Come with me. We must talk." He smiled a small sympathetic smile and nodded his head for the student to follow him. 

Midoriya cocked a brow but followed without question. The looming yet emaciated All Might led him out the dorms and towards the school building. He finally stopped in front of a classroom. He sighed, pausing for a moment before opening the door. Midoriya stepped in- his eyes scanned the room. Principal Nezu and Aizawa sat on a couch. It looked like a staff room.

Aizawa motioned for Midoriya to sit on a couch opposite them. He sat hesitantly, his eyes darting between the three teachers. There a was a moment silence. The three gave each other sad looks as if having a conversation they didn't want Midoriya to hear. 

"Right well- no point in dragging this out." Nezu clapped his paws together- opening his mouth to say something else but nothing comes out.

"Kid-" Aizawa speaks up, Midoriya's eyes shoot to him- they're big and confused. It shuts Aizawa up and he sits with the same expression as Nezu.

"What is it?" Midoriya's voice wavers- clearly taken aback at how these normally stoic hero's are acting. 

"Well-" All Might looks at Aizawa, widening his eyes.

"Look-" Aizawa looks down keeping his eye contact away from Midoriya. "Your mother- There was an attack by the league and she was in the wrong place-" His eyes trail back to Midoriya and he breathes a deep sigh. "-she's in the hospital right now having surgery." 

Midoriya shoots up from his seat. His chest moves rapidly up and down. The three look to each other then to him like their waiting for a reaction. He sits back down, eyes trancing the ground, mind racing. His eyes hungrily dart to the hero's desperate for them to show any sign that this is just some horrible prank. That this is some convoluted plan to get him to show emotion. 


"We understand you might want to go the hospital. All Might will escort you there." Nezu signals to All Might who dips his head dutifully. 

Midoriya doesn't speak, simply nods his head quietly. The next moments for him are a blur as the hero leads him to his dorm to change clothes then to a black sedan parked outside the school. It feels more like he's on the way to funeral than a hospital. 

The driver silently pulls away. Midoriya looses himself to the moving lights outside his window. It starts raining slightly, droplets catching on the window making the window twinkle with street lights. When they pull up to the hospital All Might has to shake him out of his daze. 

He leads Midoriya into the hospital. Up the stairs. They stand in front of a large light brown door with a think frosted window. Midoriya takes a moment to steady his breathing. All Might opens the door and it's all Midoriya can do to stop himself from crying. He slaps his hand over him mouth and whimpers at the sight of his mother exanimate on the hospital bed. 

Tears prick his eyes as he steps closer. He reaches out to her. Her skin is cold and pale. Almost every pert of her is covered in cuts and bruises. 

"I'm so sorry." Midoriya whispered as he gently took her hand gripping it and letting a tear fall. "Please don't leave me." 

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