Cahpter 36

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- Izuku's Perspective -

"You're kidding." Shinso says with a dumbfounded look. "What even is your life Deku?"

I just finished catching him and Todoroki up on what they missed while I was away. I chuckle lightly at Shinso.

"Are you okay?" Todoroki puts his hand on my arm. "I's can be rough sometimes."

"No I'm fine. My dad is no where near as bad as yours." I scoff a little then immediately regret my words. "I mean! No- I'm sorry."

"It's fine Izuku." He smiles lightly.

"Seeing him was more strange than it was scary. I've never seen even a photo of him before. I don't have any memories of him either." I look down a bit thinking about the man. "I mean....he looked nothing like me?"

"Well I'm just glad your back." Shinso breaks me out of my thoughts. "It was getting boring around here without you. You always keep things entertaining." He chuckles a little.

"Thanks?" I smile.

I missed these two. I missed the school as a whole. I didn't miss the drama. But that seemed to follow me around anywhere I went.

"So where are you staying now?" Todoroki asked.

"With Bakugou and his mum. His mum was my godmother apparently." I smile a little, its been weird.

I've only been there a couple nights but it's a non stop array of memories coming back. It seems I spent a lot of my young childhood there. It's nice though, to get those happy memories back. Bakugou's been giving me my space too. We agreed to be friends but he understands I still need time to recover. It's good- I like it there. I think i could get used to it.

"Hey!" That familiar voice calls over, I turn to see his deep red eyes and abnormally large smile running at me. "De-Midoriya!"

He's been trying not to call me that nickname. I told him I don't mind it but he's insistant. I can tell it's weird for him though. I don't think it was an insult in the end. I think it just became a nickname. I still appreciate the effort.

"Are you starting classes again soon?" He pants a little and nods back to the school. "Aizawa said you should be good to go if you're willing. I figured you'd want to start as soon as possible."

"He said that?" I jump a little. "Yes!"

"Wait since when we're you two buddies?" Shinso furrows his brows. "Midoriya he-"

Todoroki elbows Shinso to shut him up but I laugh.

"He's my Hannahaki?" I smile to assure them it's okay. "I know."

"You know?" They both say almost at the same time.

"Yeah. It's okay. I know everything. My love for him. Our childhood. Even what he did. I forgive him." I can feel Bakugou deflate a little as I list it all but I pretend not to notice. "We're kind of friends now. Build bridges don't burn them and all that crap you know." I chuckle a little.

They both give me a look. Like I'm talking gibberish while riding a unicycle and juggling cats. I shrug it off.

"I think I'll start classes with you guys tomorrow then since Aizawa said it's okay." I smile at Bakugou.

He nods with a smile back and walks off- clearly desperate to get out of this conversation. Todoroki and Shinso watch him walk away with judgey eyes.

"I think I'm gonna go do some catch up work. I have like three assignments to finish by the end of the week." I groan. "I'll talk to you later?"

"-Yeah..." Todoroki says in a strange tone.

I rush off back to the dorms, not stopping to talk to anyone on my way in. The second I get to my room I breathe out. That was hard work. I can't let any of them see me even a little upset....I can't miss anymore school work. Just gotta fake it till you make it, right? I practise a small smile in the mirror.

- Todoroki's Perspective -

Midoriya is acting strange, and I can bet it's something to do with that no good brat Bakugou. Tsk, listen to me I sound like his mother. He's planning something though. Or he's already doing it. Something fucked up even for him.

"Is it just me or was Midoriya really weird just then?" Shinso speaks up.

"I noticed it too..."

"Maybe he's not ready to go to class yet." He shrugs.

"Or maybe that asshole is doing something to him."

"What?!" He scoffs. "That's too far even for him."

"Think about it. He bullied Midoriya for years. You think someone can just stop behavior like that immediately? Somethings up. And now they live together! He can do things to him and we'll have no idea."

"Now you're just being paranoid." Shinso rolled his eyes.

"Suit yourself. But if Midoriya ends up hurt and I was'll wish you had done something about it."

I walk towards our dorms leaving Shinso behind to think about it. I don't know him very well but I know he cares about Midoriya. He'll help. Eventually he'll see Bakugou's true colours.

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