Chapter 23

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- Midoriya's Perspective -

I finish up my plate, making sure to scrape every last bit off. When I get up to wash the dishes Bakugou sighs happily full and adds his plate to the dishes. I give him a side eye and he smiles cheekily. I let out a feigned sigh and pick up his plate, washing it. 

"Thanks for cleaning up." He wipes down the counter. 

"Thanks for cooking for me." I smile. 

"Hey I didn't cook for you! I cooked and happened to make enough for both of us." He chuckles and it makes me laugh. 

I turn to face him and he looks like he's seen a ghost. His eyes are wide and his mouth hangs open slightly. Mouth breather. I squint my eyes and wave my hand in front oh his face. He blinks and looks away. What was that about. 

- Bakugou's Perspective -

He laughed.

He actually laughed. 

I feel like I haven't heard that sound in years. I've missed it. Before he was never laughing with me, always with other people while I just heard it in the background. I never thought I'd miss it. I never thought I'd miss it this much

He looks at me like I'm crazy so I cough and look away, scratching the back of my head. 

"Zoned out." I say plainly. 

"Oh- I do that." He fidgeted with his hands. "I guess-" 

"Deku?" Gravity bitch walked in. "What are you doing in here?" 

I look away immediately, god knows what she would think if she knew I spent the day with him. She'd probably try to kill me. Deku seems to catch on and acts like he was getting something to drink. She somehow believes him and takes him off somewhere. I swear sometimes she treats him like some lap dog. 

~ Time Skip ~ The Next Day ~

The way home is always bittersweet. Bright and warm yet I know I'll have to deal with the old hag when I get in. When I get in I hear chatting coming from the living room. Sounds like Deku's old lady. 

"He's doing well after surgery." Inko's voice carries through as I take off my shoes, slipping on my black sandals and strutting in to the living room.

"De- Midoriya." I say in shock at Deku sitting on my couch- my mother looking at me obviously confused. "What are you doing here?" 

"Bakugou." He smiles and my mum looks even more confused. "Isn't it amazing that this whole time we lived right next door to each other?" 

"Izuku sweetie what do you mean you used to-" The hag starts speaking only to be interrupting by Inko clearing her throat loudly and shaking her head behind Deku. "-oh never mind. I'm being silly that was your friend from kindergarten wasn't it Katsuki?" 

I grunt and start walking up stairs trying to ignore her stupidity. Chucking the bag of laundry I brought on to my floor, I crash onto my bed. Barely getting a moments peace before there's a knock at my door. I groan, getting up to answer the door. 

"What do you want?" The door opens and I see Deku instead of my mother as I expected. "Oh- Midoriya." 

"Hey Bakugou- they sent me up here. I guess they wanted to talk alone. Can I come in?" He looks at me blankly. 

"Uh sure-" I walk back to my bed, letting him walk in. 

He takes a moment looking around. I scan my room to make sure there's nothing sitting about he shouldn't see. All clear. He smiles at the collection of games by my TV, picking out the one we played the other day. 

"Hey you wanna play?" He holds it up proudly making me chuckle. "Sure- lemme just get something to drink first. You want anything?" He nods. "We have coke, orange juice or apple." 

"Apple juice- please." He crouches down to my console, turning it on and putting in the game. 

I walk downstairs slowly. Listening to him set it up- half paranoid about him rummaging around. When I get to the bottom of the stairs I can hear Inko and the old hag chatting. Trying to ignore it, I head to the kitchen but I couldn't help but listen when they bring up Deku.

"I had no idea Inko I'm so sorry." My mother sound guilty- it's not as if it's her fault. 

"It's not your fault- it's nobody's fault. Izu just fell in love, nobody can blame him for that." I can practically hear her smile. 

"Still- oh god that must have been so hard on Izuku. Living right next to Katsuki. On top of that his bullying?" What? I didn't know they knew about that. "Oh I'm so gonna pummel that brat when I get the chance-" 

"Oh Mitsuki I'm sure you don't mean that." 

"Hell yeah I will. Damn brat deserves it." 

"It's no more Katsuki's fault than it is Izuku's. He didn't know about Izuku's affections you can't blame him for that." 

"I suppose." 

Internally I thank Inko for defending me but I don't know if I deserve it. Maybe it's more my fault than they think. I should have realised the way Deku acted around me and even if he didn't love me- I never should have treated him the I did in middle school. I pour the drinks and head upstairs, trying to pretend I didn't hear their conversation. 

- Meanwhile: Midoriya's Perspective -

"Apple juice- please." I set up the game as Bakugou heads downstairs. 

Once it's set up I look around, I can't help but snoop- I don't know if I'll ever get the chance again. I giggle to myself as I find a pile of old pictures of him when he was young, must be about 4. This picture is him with ice cream all over his face. A few pictures he took with friends. He looks so much sweeter back then. 

I flick to the next picture. 

My heart flutters for a moment and sinks. 

A dreadful sense of familiarity washes over me and I feel like I might cry. 

It's Bakugou, grinning widely. His arm swung around a small boy with green hair and freckles. He looks exactly like me. But this can't be right? A small tear falls down my cheek and I wipe it away in confusion. As I stare at this picture, those faint blurry memories start to focus. Memories with Bakugou. Eating Katsu don. Walking on a tree trunk over a river. Faint little moment seep through. 

"Ka-Kacchan?" I whisper. 

I hear his footsteps coming up the stairs and panic, shoving the pictures back in the drawer I found them in and leaping onto the bed. Wiping away any evidence of my tear and staring blankly at the screen to make it seem like I hadn't moved. 

A/N Just to clarify. Deku has regained probably like 3-5 memories. Just little moments.

Thank you for reading! :) 

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