Chapter 20

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- Third Person Perspective -

It's been two weeks since the surgery. Everyone's quiet during class now. Even the dorms- you could hear a pin drop. Bakugou has become reclusive. Training constantly and nobody can get more than a single word out of him at a time. Nobody has seen Midoriya. Nobody has even heard anything. Aizawa has been trying to keep his catatonic state a secret but he's moving into the dorms again today so he'll have to tell them before they head back in twenty minutes. 

He stands there looking at them. They look miserable. All of them deathly quiet just watching him. That's how they've been acting for the past two weeks. 

"I have some news." They all shuffle slightly, paying attention to his every movement. "About Midoriya." Everyone's eyes light up a little with hope while remaining cautious. "He's moving back into the dorms today." 

The whole class seems to let out a breath. Mina's eyes dart to Bakugou while other celebrate with whispers of excitement and small smiles.

"Let me finish." Aizawa holds a hand up. "You must be careful around him. He has not yet healed out of the emotionless state the surgery leaves you in. It's our hope putting him back in the dorms will help him progress but be warned. It can be very distressing to witness." He looks over the class as their smiles fade and the hope in their eyes turns to fear. "I'm allowing you to leave early to go see him. He's unpacked and has been settling for about an hour. Please be patient and gentle with him. Do not bombard him." 

Uraraka is the first out the door, followed by the girls. Bakugou is the last to leave. Still seated and staring out the window to the dorms. The sun is still fairly high in the sky lighting up the building and for a moment he is sure he can see Midoriya on his balcony smiling at him. It's enough to make him get up and rush out the room. 

- Midoriya's Perspective - 

The school looks as it always did. I can see my classmates walking up towards the dorms. Just like before. The all smile and wave up to me so I do it back. Far behind them I see the blonde haired guy from before- at the hospital. I wave to him too but he doesn't wave back so I walk into my room and sit. There's a knock at my door. I get up to open it and it's Uraraka. I smile to her as she does to me. She jumps on me, wrapping her arms around me so I catch her.

"Hi Uraraka." She flinches in my arms. "Are you okay?" 

Her eyes look right through me. Or perhaps she is looking for someone else. More people show up, Ashido and Tsuyu. I smile to them and the lead in more.

"Hello." I welcome them all. "My room is small, maybe we should go downstairs."

I walk past them, leading them to the elevator. They look look at me oddly. I don't remember this look from before. I look at them confused, none of them get into the elevator with me so I step out. 

"Is everything okay?" I smile. "Oh hi." 

"De-Midoriya." The blonde man steps out from the stairway. 

"Hi." I reach my hand out. "Sorry what's your name?" 

- Third Person Perspective - 

Kirishima's hand flies to his mouth. The hall is dotted with faces of shock and some of fear. Those who had no clue and those who are more scared of what happens now. 

"Kach-Katsuki. Bakugou Katsuki." Bakugou takes Midoriya's hand and shakes it. 

Everyone watches in some confusion. 

"Well Bakugou, nice to meet you." He smiles and Bakugou's heart sinks. 

At first he recognised this smile as the one of his childhood friends'. A smile of wonder and innocence. Now he realises he was wrong. Very wrong. That smile Midoriya now wears. That meaningless hollow smile masking those meaningless hollow eyes. It's a smile of ignorance- of emptiness. A smile that knows no love. But also knows no suffering. 

He smiles back at Midoriya and walks past the crowd to his room, slamming the door shut behind him. He slides down to the ground, back pressed up against the door and mourns the loss of his childhood friend. He was now gone. Even if the boy he once was got his feelings back it wouldn't be the same.

"I'm so sorry." He whispered to himself, letting the tears silently drop. "I did this to you." 

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