Chapter 11

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- Third Person's Perspective -

Todoroki makes his way to the staircase, the commotion getting louder as he darts down each flight. When he bursts through the doors to the common area a wave of shouting hits him, some concerned, some confused and some debating on what even happened. He coughs loudly, getting the attention from almost everyone there, silence fills the room. His face read distain as he looked around, probably deciding what to do next. His eyes catch on Yaoyorozu walking in with Jirou and he walks over to them with such speed someone would even say he teleported.

"What happened here, did someone die?" Jirou jokes.

"Worse. There no point in hiding it from you. Izuku has Hannahaki. The whole class just found out. Iida is barely keeping them at bay. So just help me control this situation before the whole school finds out." Yaoyorozu nods and springs to action, walking over to the couches where everyone sits murmuring.

"Listen, we all love Midoriya in this class I'm sure. I know a lot of you will be very worried or confused right now and that's understandable. We can't tell you what's happening because that is up to him to tell you but I can tell you that he will be okay if you just do one thing; do not tell anyone if this gets out it will ruin his career and I will not stop until I hunt down the person responsible and skin them alive, got it?" Everyone sits in silence, some nodding and others just looking at each other in shock and fear.

"SHE SAID, 'GOT IT?'!" Jirou yells and everyone nods frantically, Yaoyorozu smiles a bit at their conjoined ability to instil fear and turns to to Todoroki.

"Where is he?"

"Upstairs, but don't use the elevator." 

"Stay here, try to calm everyone down and keep them off their phones. Get in contact with Aizawa, he probably already knows and will know what to do right now."

Todoroki nods and Yaoyorozu is out of there at the speed of light, flying up the stairs 2 steps at a time. When she gets upstairs the first thing she sees is the elevator being held open by a bucket as poor Ashido and Asui scrub the walls and pick flowers up into a trash bag. 

"Momo! Thank god you're here." Ashido says with a smile. "Can you make us a mop? We couldn't find one."

Ashido says as if this whole scene was normal, Yaoyorozu simply smiles as she lifts her shirt slightly and conjures one, slowly pulling it out of her midsection. Ashido bows with excitement.

"Thank you goddess!" She smiles cheekily and takes the mop from her.

Yaoyorozu makes her way over to Deku's dorm room, placing her hand nervously on the handle. She stands for a moment in pure silence, Ashido watches to see if she'll go in, but it's too late, the door flies open and Recovery girl is standing in the doorway with Uraraka panic tidying Midoriya's room.

"Thank goodness you are here child, your friend seems to be in quite a panic and won't listen to us. She keeps tidying or attending to Midoriya. This would be helpful if it weren't for the fact that I am trying to attend to him myself  and she is just getting in my way." She says motioning to Uraraka. 

"I understand." Yaoyorozu replies walking over to her frantic friend. "Ochako?"

"Oh hi, Momo. Can you help me I need you to pass-"

"No Uraraka, you need to come with me for a moment."

"No, no I can't I-"

"Yes you can, just put that down," She takes a washing basket out of Uraraka's hand and taker her hands in hers. "and come with me."

She leads the distraught Uraraka out of the blood-soaked room and down the hall. There is a small nook at the very back of the hall, opposite to Tokoyami's room where she leads Uraraka. The second Yaoyorozu stops walking Uraraka slumps down to the floor, staring blankly at the wall opposite.

"It's okay, I'm here." Yaoyorozu gently sits next to her. "What happened."
"We were in the elevator and Deku he- and the blood."
"Did the elevator open in front of everyone?" Uraraka nods, tears streaming down her face.
"Then his chest- a- a flower." Yaoyorozu freezes, her face drains of colour.
"His chest?"

Uraraka doesn't say anymore, she just cries. Yaoyorozu pulls her in, trying to hold her close as the poor girl poured her emotions out onto her shirt. Tears falling and new ones to replace them just as quickly. Yaoyorozu pats her head.

"Recovery girl-" Uraraka finally brings herself to speak again. "She said that he only has weeks."

Yaoyorozu hugs Uraraka, half to support her but also to hide her own tears. Uraraka's wailing covers for Yaoyorozu's gentle crying as they cling to each other for support. 

- Izuku's Perspective -

I wake up faintly in my room, I don't remember being here. I can hear faint cries outside and Recovery Girl humming. Am I dead? No that makes no sense. I try to move but I can't, I just end up making some strange noise, it gets Recovery Girls' attention though so that's good, I'm definitely not dead then.

"Try not to move, Midoriya."  She says softly, dabbing a hot towel on  my chest. "I've healed your burns mostly. Of course I had no effect on your Hannahaki."

My face feels somewhat tight, like there is droplets of dried blood on it tugging at my skin. My lungs feel hollow, usually I'm in a lot of pain right after an attack, especially one that big but I just feel...hollow. I stare at the ceiling as someone walks in, I can't look to see who though, so I wait for them to speak so I can hear their voice. It takes a minute, the silence makes me feel like I'm at my own funeral, listening to others mourn my death. I try to move again just so there is some noise.

"Midoriya, please." Recover girl says pushing my face down slightly.

"He's awake?" It's Aizawa.

"Yes, he woke up about two minutes before you walked in."


"How is everyone out there?"

"I calmed everyone down as much as I could and sent them to their rooms with threat of expulsion if they tell anyone what they saw today. This floor is empty however, we've temporarily amended the room layout so that the only other boys on this floor will be Tokoyami, Iida and Todoroki." I sigh slightly- if you can even call it that- in relief. 

"Good idea." Recovery girl says, finishing up with my wounds and bandaging them. "But why Tokoyami?"

"Someone had to stay on this floor as a lot of the rooms aren't safe enough to stay in yet and I decided that Tokoyami would be harmless."

"I agree, though isn't there four rooms on this floor, what about the fourth?"

"Kaminari, perhaps one of the most harmless classmates Midoriya has, I'm quite sure nobody on this floor will treat him badly or indifferent because of his- situation."

"Thank you, Sensei." I barely whisper out.

Aizawa smiles down at me, I can't tell if the smile is out of care, worry or fear. 

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