Chapter 18

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- Third Person Perspective -

"Oh don't pretend Bakugou." Uraraka says with distaste, her face contorted into a scowl.

"Pretend?" Bakugou swivels to face her, his gaze locked onto her murderous eyes.

"I know what you did to him." She says and it makes his heart sink. "Do you think he'd be like this if it wasn't for you. He'd be happier. He'd be stronger." 


"You? No Bakugou. This is not about you anymore. I'm sick of it. Even Deku makes everything about you and you aren't even his friend, not like I am. Not like we all are. You were never there for him." She eyes him up and down. "Don't act like you're oblivious, you ruined him."

The rooms hangs with a sinister silence. Uraraka uncharacteristically furious tone sent Bakugou in a whirlwind. His mind races as he looks down at the bag of bloody clothes and take out sitting by the door. He almost feels like crying. 

"I know. I know, okay." He doesn't look up but his voice is soft. "I know." 

"Then you will stay away from him after surgery. He'll finally not have to deal with the memories of your torment." Uraraka looks away too, staring at the laptop on Midoriya's desk before picking it up and tucking it under her arm.

"What?" Bakugou looks up at her after a minute, the realisation of what she said sinking in. "What do you mean he won't remember me." 

"You're not that idiotic Bakugou. I mean for hell's sake a blind man could see the feelings that boy had for you. I'm actually glad this happened, maybe he'll be happier now without your years of torture. He'll find real love." She storms out tears flowing down her face.

"No." Bakugou looks down at himself. "No your lying." He says to her but she's already gone. 

His mind goes blank as the world goes blurry. A hissing sound like a kettle well ready to come off the stove sounds in his mind. His eyes frantically darts around the room. 

Where's Deku? Where's his smile? Haven't seen it in years. Haven't seen it since....


The sun beams down on the group of young boys trampling through the woods. A small firecracker with blonde hair leading them with a cheeky grin his face was born to make. They approach a tree bridge, the leader carries on brave but looses his footing as he get's to the edge, the small boy falls from the bridge and who comes to his help other than the last boy in the line? The small weak one with dark hair and freckles, wearing the brightest smile anyone has ever seen as he tries to help his friend. Only to be pushed away, laughed at and forgotten.


The blonde boy now grown in to a strong young man. The small dark haired boy completely and utterly in love with him. 

Bakugou fights for breath on floor of his rivals dorm. Rival? No. Friend. Friend? No...

He snaps up from the ground without thought and rushes out the room, out the building. He practically flies to the nearest hospital. What will he even say? What will he even do? Why is he chasing after this boy he's hated his whole life?

"I'm sorry there's no record of a Hannahaki Surgery today. Try another hospital?" A clinical woman reports dutifully. 

Next hospital. 

"I'm sorr-"
"No there's no-" 
"No Midoriya here." 
"I have no record." 

"Room 208." A short man with a stuffy nose says behind the desk of the sixth hospital. "A Mr. Izuku Midoriya is currently in room 208."

Bakugou darts up the stairs. Second floor. He runs past doctors and nurses, people pushing wheel chairs and people pushing bodies. Not a care for those he bumps past. Not a single thought but that smile. A tear slips out of his right eye as he reaches the door, hesitating slightly at the handle. His hand lingers, fingers edging on the cold metal. 

The door clicks open. It's heavy and he pushes it open slowly, an empty chair. An open window. The end of a hospital bed. He takes a deep breath in and opens the door fully, stepping in. 

Green hair. 

A slight  breeze pushing the curtains in, letting the sun hit his face as he looks out at the world from his hospital bed. There's that smile... He looks over to the door to see Bakugou, panting and sweating from running all over the city all day. He smiles warily. 

"Can I help you?" He says blankly to the blonde. 

"De- Midoriya." Bakugou steps forward. "It's me-" 

"I'm sorry I-" 

"Bakugou, what are you doing here?" Aizawa steps in Bakugou is at a loss for words he simply stares at Midoriya, eyes blinking relentlessly. "Alright I think you should go." 

Midoriya looks at them both confused as Aizawa ushers Bakugou out, his confusion fades quickly and he goes right back to smiling out to the world, the sun slightly less bright as it tucks behind a cloud. 

"What are you doing here?" Aizawa pushes Bakugou into the hallway. "We both know you being here is detrimental to his health." 

"You too? Did everybody know except me?! Am I that blind?" 

"You mean to tell me you didn't know?" 

"NO!" Bakugou shouts, correcting his volume when a nurse gives him a look. "No- if I had... If I had known I-" 

"Look kid. What's done is done. He'll be just fine. You will too. Just go home, get some rest." Aizawa pats his back not knowing what else to say. 

"How can I just do that? How could I just go home after all this and act like it's not all completely my fault." 

"You can't." Aizawa says bluntly. "And you won't. You'll think about it all the time. It will eat at you. You'll never truly get over it. I won't lie to you kid it'll be hard. But what isn't? Life is hard. You'll get used to it. If that kid in there can go through everything he did and still be fine- you can too."

Bakuguo nods his head and walks off with his brows furrowed. When he gets to the staircase he breaks down, punching the wall and falling to the ground. His eyes well up with tears and he shouts for them to go away. He won't cry. This isn't about him. Uraraka's voice echoing in his mind telling him that. This is not about him. This is not about him. 

You ruined him.

This is not about you anymore.

Maybe he'll be happier now. 

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