Chapter 5

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- Todoroki's Perspective -

I look down at Izuku as he looks at Shinso, blood trails on his chest and I hold back the urge to yell. That brat. He's doing this to him. Izuku doesn't deserve this. He's been nothing but nice to everyone including Bakugou. Despite everything that prick says about him. And now look. Look at what he gets in return. It's not fair.

"How long?" Shinso asks and kneels down to sit next to me.

"How long have I loved him or how long have I had Hanahaki? Because I've had Hanahaki for about a year now."

"Do you still love him?" Shinso asks stupidly.

"What are you talking about he wouldn't still have Hanahaki if he didn't love him."

"Well actually no if he was still falling out of love then he'd still have Hanahaki and even if he stopped loving Bakugo. The only way to get rid of it with with the surgery or if Bakugo loves him back." Why does he know so much about Hanahaki?

"Well then what happens when you fall out of love with someone when you have Hanahaki?"

"Well if you've fallen out of love with the person, getting the surgery is no longer a problem." That's actually true I guess.

"How do you know so much about this?"

"My best friend had Hanahaki in middle school."

"What happened to them?" Izuku shuffles starting to get more invested.

"I don't actually know. She left to get surgery and her parents made her move school. When she moved she never texted or called me, I guess she had moved on with her life and forgotten about me completely." Shinso has a flicker of sadness in his eyes but then turns to Izuku. "You won't do that though right?"

"Of course not! Why would I ever leave UA?"

"Hey you don't even care about us!" The two both laugh. Typical of Izuku to make people laugh even in situations like this. "So do you still love him?" Shinso asks again, his expression going serious.

"I don't know. I think maybe a little. I don't want to forget about him and I still find my eyes wandering to him from time to time, but I don't love him as much as I did in middle school. I think UA has really helped me move on even if I still have some feelings for him." So there's hope yet?

"Some is still something if your planning on getting the surgery, it will be easier if you let go completely before getting the surgery. It will reduce risk of-" Shinso pauses for a second. "You are planning on getting the surgery right?" Risk of what?

"I don't know. I didn't want it at first but if I didn't get it I'd be letting my mum and All- I'd be letting my mum down. Plus I don't want to die just for Kacchan, I am more than my love for him." Izuku finishes and I let out a breath I didn't even realise I was holding. He looks down at his torso as if only realising he's still shirtless. "Oh, uh, I'm going to go to my r-room now. Y-you two should get to class."

He get's up shakily, trying to cover his torso with his arms and stumbles out the room. Shinso was going to say something a minute ago, something about reducing the risk of something, before he cut himself off. Reducing the risk of what though? Izuku already has Hanahaki, how could it get any worse?

"What were you going to say?"

"What do you mean?" Shinso gives me a confused look and tries to pick up his bag but I stop him.

"You were saying something about 'reducing the risk' of something"

"Oh. It's a lot to explain." I don't flinch and wait for him to continue. He sighs and sits back down. "It's standard that after a Hanahaki surgery the patient will be kind of, emotionless for a while. Like a hollowed shell of their former selves. I mean you just ripped a power love right out of their body, what else would you expect?"

"Get to the point."

"Right. Well, it usually lasts from a couple days to possibly even a couple months. However, there have been cases of it going on for years and a couple cases where the patients died never regaining their ability to feel anything."

"How do we stop that from happening."

"Nobody knows, some argue that it's a case of how long the patient had the disease before hand while others believe it's a matter of how strong the love was at the time of the surgery. Seeing as Midoriya has already had this for around a year, time is not our friend. Our best bet is to try and eradicate his feelings for Bakugou as much as we can."

"This is why I don't make friends."

"Really? You foretold this exact scenario and decided to become a social outcast?" He gets up again and heads for the door.

"No, I just mean all the caring and distractions."

"Last I checked, you had no prompting from Midoriya before you started following him around like a lost puppy."

I want to retaliate but he leaves and closes the door right after saying that, leaving me alone in a room covered in blood and blood soaked tissues. I should probably go to class but I need to clean this up before it dries.

- Ochako's Perspective -

Class started ten minutes ago and I haven't seen Deku or Todoroki since they and Shinso burst out of the cafeteria at lunch. I saw Shinso walk past our class door two minutes ago, so he must have been going to class but what about Deku and Todoroki? What if they had a fight and he's left them under mind control somewhere. No, he wouldn't the three of them are like friends now or something? Aren't they? I haven't really spoken to Deku much this week so I don't know.

"Okay everyone, unfortunately All Might is too busy to cover this class and I have a meeting so all of you are just going to have to work alone for about half an hour. Behave." Aizawa leaves almost right after entering. Perfect.

"Do you think their hooking up?" Kirishima nudges Sero next to him.

"Who?" Sero is just confused as the rest of us listening in.

"Bro! Todoroki and Midoriya obviously!" Kirishima shouts, getting the attention of everyone who wasn't listening in. "What do you think?" He asks Kaminari instead.

"Oh my god who cares!" Bakugou shouts.

"Everyone stop yelling and gossiping, my class can hear you from down the hall." Present Mic is in the doorway, fuming. I don't think I've ever actually seen him angry- it's strange.

What if they are though? Todoroki and Deku I mean. I know Todoroki likes him but Deku likes Bakugou and I don't think he's the type to hook up with someone he doesn't like. At the same time though, Deku has been talking about Bakugou less recently and has been hanging out with Tdoroki more but that's just because him and Todoroki are friends right?

What about Shinso, why was he there? What if Todoroki got Shinso to brainwash Deku into hooking up with him? No, neither of them would do that. Plus, Shinso has no reason to do that. He'd just be prove everyone right about him being a villain and- Todoroki is not the type to stoop to that level. Wait-

How is Deku's Hanahaki?! Oh my god I've been so caught up in me and Tsu that I almost forgot about my friend who is dying. Maybe that's why he's not here! That makes so much sense. Stupid Ochako, how did you not realise sooner.

Aizawa only left like five minutes ago so I should be okay to go and check on Deku really quick right? If Aizawa gets back before I do I can just say I needed the bathroom. I'll text Mina and say it's a Hanahaki emergency and she'll cover for me. I won't be too long anyways.

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