Chapter 19

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- Aizawa's Perspective -

I can't help but think that this could have all been avoided somehow. I mean Bakugou came running in here looking for the kid maybe.... I don't know. He's just sitting there. He's smiling and it seems genuine but at the same time he doesn't talk. Hello's Goodbye's but nothing else. He seems empty. How are we gonna make a hero out of this? Maybe he'll get better. 

He's so quiet. He's so reserved. 

Even when he speaks it feels different. He doesn't stutter. He know what he wants to say and he says it perfectly. I don't think he's even asked to see any of his friends. I don't know this kid anymore. 

The doctor walks in, miscellaneous sounds maker their way into the room as she leaves the door open and reads his chart. He doesn't even flinch. She checks the machines and smiled at him and he just stares out the window. What is he even looking at?

"Hey doc can I talk to you?" I stand and motion for her to follow me outside.

"Sure." She follows, ticking a box on the chart and putting it back before following me into the loud hallway. 

"Is that normal? The silence. The uh- "

"The lack?" She nods. "That's what we call it. After the surgery it is totally normal for patients to be a bit emotionless. It usually lasts a couple days maybe a week tops. If it lasts longer then there's some cause for concern but I'm sure he'll be fine. 

"Okay- thank you." I half smile and walk back in, silence filling the room as the door closes behind me. 

- Uraraka's Perspective -

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Mina shouts.

"I confronted him. He deserved it!" I shout back, throwing her pillow on the ground as I get off her bed. "How can you not see that?!" 

"Ochako- HE DIDN'T KNOW." She looks terrified. "Oh god- where did you leave him?" 

"He didn't know? HE DIDN'T KNOW DEKU LOVED HIM?!" I pace, shit I thought it was obvious. "I- I left him in Deku's room." 

"Come on we have to find him before he does something stupid." Mina grabs her coat and runs out, I chase after her. 

"I'll check the dorms you go to the hospital!" I shout after her as she runs down the stairs. 

I click the elevator button, it takes ages so I mash the button relentlessly. Fuck it- I'm wasting time here. I run down the stairs, practically floating and through the common area to the boys' stair case. My first instinct is to run to Deku's room where I left him- nothing, so I check his room and he's not there either. Next thing I know I'm running through each of the boys' dorms screaming for him. I end up on the roof, still no sign of him.

I fish out my phone nearly dropping it and dial Mina's phone. 

"Come on. Come on. Pick up." I mutter as it rings out. "Hey! You found him?"

- Ashido's Perspective -

"No, I called him too and nothing. Straight to voicemail. I'm arriving at the hospital now so-" I freeze as I see him walking out of the building. "I see him- I'll call you back."

I run over to him yelling his name but he doesn't react. He looks hollow- broken. Like he'll never see light again. It hurts to see him like this. He's an ass but he's still my friend. I walk up to him and grab him by the shoulders. He makes eye contact with me but his eyes look glossed over so I just hug him. He lifts his arms up a little to hug me back, I feel like that's the only reaction I'll get so I just smile and pull away. 

"There you are- lunch?" I say but he doesn't respond so I pull him across the road to a cafe. 

I sit opposite to him at a small table for two. I inch my jacket off and smile nodding for him to do the same but he doesn't move. The waiter comes over, a short guy with blue hair, he smiles warmly and asks what we want Bakugou ignores him. 

"I'll come back later." The waiter smiles apologetically at me and walks off, small book in hand.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He shrugs and I rub my hands together. "Oh it's cold huh?" He nods quietly. "I know." He looks up at me with a confused expression. "I know that it's hard, but it's what's best right?" 

"Right." He whispers- he sounds so broken.

"You need to remember that. He couldn't fight that stuff forever and there was no way you-" I stop myself. "He'll be better off this time. We both know that. It'll be okay and maybe this time you could try being friends with him?" 

He shrugs and I sigh. 

"I didn't know he-" He speaks up a bit. "I didn't know he loved me. I never would have done those things. I shouldn't have done them anyway. But I wouldn't have- if I'd known that's why he followed me everywhere. That's why he would try to help me up. Not because he thought he was stronger than me but because-" His voice cracks, I think he's going to cry, I've never seen him cry before. "-because he loves me. Loved me." 

I'm at a loss for words. He's never shown any care for Deku before. I mean I always knew he never actually hated the guy but now it seems like he actually cared about him. Even just a little. In some ways that makes everything he did to him so much worse. But I can't hate him for that- not looking at him like this right now. No I don't hate him. I pity him. 

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