FA:TS- Chapter 34

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Chapter Thirty-four

Mark breathed deeply as he regained himself. He moved his hands to either side of Dawn and then jolted up. His head snapping around them as they stayed still locked together. His eyes grew wide as he looked all around them.

"Um... love?"

He looked down at her as her eyes fluttered opened. She graced his cheek. Then she registered the look in his eyes and didn't understand it. "What is it? What's wrong?"

He chuckled. "You really liked this place, didn't you?"

Her forehead scrunched as she looked around. Then her eyes shot wide seeing they were in the forest next to the stream. She realized that she wasn't feeling the bedding and pedals below her but the sandy stream shore. The same place they had visited when they took a walk with his camera. When he let her use his camera and taught her how to use it.

She blushed as she covered her face. She couldn't remember moving them here. She just remember feeling bliss with the sensation he made her feel. There was never a thought once to this spot but say for a fleeting moment. But she would have known she was shifting them, wouldn't she?

Mark chuckled as he tugged her hands away from her face. He leaned down and kissed each of her cheeks. "Don't be embarrassed." He looked her in the eyes and stroked her hair. "I love that you brought us here." Then he looked around. "But you might want to shift us back before we're discovered bare here."

Dawn giggled as her hands wrapped around his waist and she held him against her while the world shimmered again. He wrapped his arms around her too when he found them again in their room.

"Shit!" Mark snapped his head up to see Barr with his back to him. A second later he found that Dawn and he were in the bathroom. She was trembling a bit.

Mark looked down at Dawn and graced her cheek begging her to look at him. When she did, he kissed her for a few seconds till she stopped trembling. He pulled back ever so slightly just to rest his forehead on hers looking into her eyes. "I'll go deal with him. Stay here?"

She nodded and he pulled a towel down to cover her. She timidly kissed his hand in gratitude. He smiled and rose grabbing a robe from the back of the door. He turned to her as he saw her sit up and had the towel perfectly around her so she was mostly covered. He opened the door only enough for him to slid out into the main bedroom.

He stomped for a few steps before he registered that no one was in there. He turned to the bathroom door and placed a hand on his. "He left. I'm going to see what they had wanted. I'll be back in a little."

"Alright." He heard her say timidly through the door.

He made sure the robe was on properly before he marched out the door of their room. There were voices laughing down the stairs. His fists were balled up as he descended the grand stairs.

He found Barr in the front room with Targ and a few others. From the look of Barr's back, he didn't want to walk in on them. Targ turned when he saw Mark coming over. He was the first to get to him and hold Mark back.

Barr put his hands up. "I didn't mean to intrude on that, but when I came up, you two weren't in there. I had no idea you two... um... sealed the deal."

"Do you have any idea how embarrassed she is now?"

Barr frowned. "You two had vanished and I had no idea."

Targ got Mark's attention. "He meant no harm. He did say you guys weren't there when he entered to tell you. None of us thought that was how your evening would turn out."

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