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Reader POV

Darkness: "It is time to judge humanity."

I release my true form and their bodies display shock.

Light: "Brother, what are you doing in the human world?"

Reader: "I awoken here and collected all of the relics to return home."

Darkness: "Very well then, let us go."

Reader: "Give me a second."

I use my magic to teleport all of my friends to me. They look confused when I redo my human form and walk to them.

Ruby: "Y/N, what's going on?"

Reader: "Everyone, I have something to tell all of you."

I release my true form but speak in my human voice so they know it's still me.

Reader: "I am the third brother god, god of fear."

Jaune: "You were a god and didn't tell us?!"

Reader: "Yeah."

Ruby: "Y/N, who are they?"

She points to my brothers.

Reader: "They are my brothers and they have come to take me home."

Yang: "You're leaving?"

Reader: "Afraid so."

Blake: "Will you ever come back?"

Reader: "I don't know."

Ruby starts crying then hugs me and won't let go.

Ruby: "Please don't leave, it's so much fun with you here."

I hug her to reassure her.

Reader: "I have to go home Ruby."

Yang helps get Ruby off and tries to fight back tears.

Weiss: "Don't think you are leaving without saying goodbye."

Reader: "That's kind of why I teleported all of you here."

I walk up to team RWBY and give them each a hug.

Reader: "I will miss you guys."

Ruby: "We'll miss you too."

I walk over to team JNPR and do the same thing.

Jaune: "It was nice knowing you Y/N."

Reader: "Don't forget what I taught you."

Jaune: "I won't."

I walk to Glynda and she wraps me into a bone crushing hug.

Reader: "Glynda... too tight."

Glynda: "Sorry, I'm just going to miss you."

Reader: "Me too."

She places her hand on her stomach.

Glynda: "I will raise our child right."

Reader: "The conception rate for us is zero so you aren't pregnant."

Glynda: *sulks* "I know, but I can at least pretend."

Everyone laughs while I head to Kali, Sienna and Willow. They each kiss my cheeks and this doesn't go unnoticed by light.

Light: "You really are promiscuous."

I walk over to my team along with Neo and Roman and give them all a hug with Neo hugging me the tightest.

Roman: "We're going to miss you."

Reader: "And I you."

Neo: *in head* "Don't forget about me."

Reader: *in mind* "I won't."

I walk to my brothers and wave to everyone before I finally leave. It has been a week in Remnant time since I returned home and I'm watching over everyone through a crystal ball. I sigh wishing I can be with them when a bright light shines in front of me and a golden figure with angel wings appears.

Reader: "Who are you?"

Oum: "My name is Oum and I can see you long to be with your friends back on Remnant."

Reader: "Yeah, but I can't return."

Oum: "I have a way."

I tilt my head in confusion when a giant door forms behind Oum.

Reader: "What is that?"

Oum: "A door between worlds."

Reader: "So that means..."

Oum: "Yes, you can return to Remnant and come back whenever you want."

Ruby POV

It has been a week since Y/N returned home with his brothers and everyone has been down. As a honor to achieving peace Ozpin made a statue in Y/N's likeness and made sure to let everyone know what he did. Everyone comes and pays their respects to him by leaving flowers or prays to him. Right now everyone is at his statue and we are praying when we hear footsteps. We figure it is someone else who came to pay their respects when we hear a familiar voice.

Voice: "My chin isn't that big."

We all look and see Y/N standing behind us. We all run to hug him with me being the first to reach him.

Ruby: "Y/N, you're really here?!"

Reader: "Of course I am."

Yang: "How?"

Reader: "I had some help."

Glynda: "What about going home to your brothers?"

Reader: "Thanks to my help I can come here and return home whenever I want."

Ruby: "Please don't ever leave us ever again."

Reader: "I promise."

Reader POV

The rest of my time at Beacon went by and now I live in a house near patch. As for team RWBY and JNPR they got married and had kids. Jaune and Pyrrha have two kids a boy and a girl. Nora and Ren have a kid and they are best friends with Jaune and Pyrrha's kids. Glynda met someone and she is set to get married here before too long. Kali serves as a nanny to her daughter's kid while Willow and Jacques worked out their issues and are doing well. Sienna runs the white fang and so far everything is good. Cinder and Autumn settled their difference and have agreed to share their titles as fall maidens.

Roman and Neo got together and have a baby girl. After nearly two years of saying they'd never, Emerald and Mercury got together and now work for Jacques Schnee as dust transporters. As for me and Salem, we were named the guardians of everyone's kids in the event of a emergency. All and all life is good and everyone is happy.

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