Ch 16 Snow Fight

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Reader POV

I get up from the bed and Salem and Jinn are still passed out from last night. I get out of bed and get dressed when Jinn is the first to recover.

Jinn: "Are you sure you're not the god of love?"

Reader: "I'm not, I'm just really good at making people feel good."

Jinn: "Either way, I'm glad we met."

I smile and teleport back to the Schnee manor and head inside where I am greeted by Klein.

Klein: "Welcome back Y/N."

Reader: "Thanks Klein, is everyone up?"

Klein: "Yes, they are eating breakfast now."

I head to the kitchen and see Willow, Whitley and Weiss eating at the table. Weiss runs to me and hugs me. I return the hug and look Whitley in the eye; I put my hand over Weiss' ass but don't touch it and make a grabbing motion. He gets up and runs away crying; Weiss breaks the hug and suddenly kisses me.

Reader: "What was that for?"

Weiss: "For helping me."

Reader: "Glad to see things worked out."

Weiss: "Yes, on top of that father has agreed to let me run the company after I graduate from Beacon."

Reader: "That is great to hear."

Willow: "You have been a great help to us; in more ways than one."

Willow looks at Weiss and nods; this makes Weiss blush while looking at me.

Weiss: "Y/N, we would like to thank you for all your help."

Reader: "How?"

Weiss: "Well... we were wanting to know if you are open to something."

I scoop Weiss and bring her into a kiss; she wraps her legs around my waist and kisses me back. I teleport us to my bedroom and soon all three of us get busy. However since this is Weiss' first time I take things slow and let her have full control. But with Willow we don't hold back and go at it like crazy. A while later the bedroom door opens and Whitley walks in.

Whitley: "Sister are you-"

Reader: "Hey Whitley, I fucked your mom and sister!"

He runs out of the room calling me the devil. We get dressed and me and Weiss head back to Beacon then go to our separate dorms. Later in the year Christmas comes and everyone is getting into the holiday spirit. I am currently outside in the courtyard making a snow fort to protect myself against my enemies. I finish my fort and scout the area for enemies. I see a red blur and follow it to another fort on the opposite side of the courtyard. I use a little bit of my magic to eavesdrop on the enemie's conversation.

Yang: "What did you see out there sis?"

Ruby: "His fort is huge and I couldn't spot any immediate blind spots."

Weiss: "There has to be a opening."

Ruby: "I scoped out the back of the fort and he has it guarded by snowmen."

Blake: "If it was being guarded by snowmen then why didn't you attack the back?"

Ruby: "I tried, but when I got too close to a snowman a trap went off and a storm of snowballs was launched at me."

Yang: "He's thought of everything."

Weiss: "What are we going to do?"

Ruby: "Okay listen up, here's the plan."

I stop eavesdropping so I can have some fun and not make things too hard for them. A while later I hear a horn being blown and soon the sound of heavy footsteps. I look up from my vantage point and see an armored knight running towards my fort. Luckily I set traps and one of them goes off and destroys the knight. My victory is cut short when I spot a horde of knights coming for my fort. All of my traps go off and there are still more knights coming. I jump down from my vantage point and run towards the horde of knights; I manage to take a lot of them out and right as I finish the last one I hear Ruby's voice.

Ruby: "Now!"

I look past her and see Yang launching a boulder sized snowball at me. I teleport back to my fort and take cover; the snowballs keep coming and they start to destroy my walls. The snowballs stop and I look to see no one there. I breath a sigh of relief, it is short lived when Blake appears from the back of my fort and throws snowballs at me. I dodge them and make a snowball as I dodge; I throw the snowball I made and it hits Blake. With her out I run to the back of my fort and see Weiss disabling all of my traps. I teleport behind her and touch her with a snowball; she pouts and joins Blake. A snowball wizzes past my head and I take cover behind a snow wall I made. I look and see Yang throwing a bunch of snowballs at me while Ruby uses her speed to quickly make a stack of snowballs. I dodge and flip my way towards Yang and hit her with a snowball. It hits her and she falls on her back with Ruby sitting beside her.

Yang: "Sis, tell dad I love him."

She fake dies and Ruby fake cries.

Ruby: "Y/N, prepare for death."

We each make a snowball and run at each other. We both slam the snowballs at each other, but I twist my body so she misses me while mine touches her.

Reader: "You're out, I win."

Ruby: "I was so close."

Reader: "Yes you were. Be proud of yourself for that."

I help her to her feet and we join the others that were tagged out. The others include both team RWBY, JNPR and the rest of my team. We all shake hands as a sign of friendship then head inside to get ourselves a much needed glass of hot chocolate.

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