Ch 18 Adam Taurus

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Reader POV

The next morning me and Blake walk through the market just looking around when Blake stops. I look where she is looking and spot a hooded figure staring at us. The figure takes off and we give chase; I pass Blake and manage to catch up to the figure. I tackle them and pin their arms above them; I begin searching their body for a weapon and accidently brush over their chest and I hear a moan. I place my hand on their chest and am graced with the wonderful feeling of a boob.

Reader: "It must be my birthday."

Woman: "Get off of me creep!"

She punches me in my jaw and I am sent flying backwards. I fix my dislocated jaw and as I do so Blake finally arrives. The hood on the figure drops and indeed it is a woman and she has spots covering her face.

Blake: "Ilia?"

Ilia: "Blake?"

Reader: "Friends?"

Ilia: "Not with you pervert!"

Readr: "The first time was a accident. Also you should be proud of what you got, I know I sure am."

Blake: "Why were you watching us Ilia?"

Ilia: "I was sent by Adam to keep tabs on you while you are here in Menagerie."

Blake: "Why Ilia?"

Ilia: "I can't say."

Reader: "Either tell her or deal with me."

She gasps and covers herself in a defensive manner.

Ilia: "Ok I'll tell you, just keep him away from me."

I decide to mess with her by doing the boob honking gesture with both of my hands and she gets scared. We walk back to Blake's house and Ilia breaks everything down. Apparently Adam knows Blake is in Menagerie and wanted Ilia to convince Blake to meet him.

Reader: "You're not going to meet him are you?"

Blake: "If I must."

Reader: "I was afraid of this. Sorry in advance."

I use my magic to knock Blake out and place her on the couch.

Reader: "Take me to Adam."

Ilia: "No."

Reader: "Take me or get groped, your choice."

We make our way to meet Adam which involves going into the forest area of Menagerie. We walk for a few moments when we come to a hidden door that Ilia does a super secret knock on. We are let inside and I am lead to a meeting room where I see a dude in black with red hair.

Reader: "I take it you're Adam?"

Adam: "What's a human doing here?"

Reader: "Guess so. Look, generally I'm a peaceful guy and today I want to solve the issue Blake has with you in a peaceful way."

Adam: "I have no intention of dealing with a human."

Reader: "So is that a no to peace?"

He spits on my clothes and everyone laughs.

Reader: *clicks tongue* "That was just mean."

Adam: "Leave us human," *slightly draws his sword* "Before you do something you'll regret."

Reader: "I'm going to give you one and only one chance to apologize and solve this without violence."

He scoffs and swings his sword cutting my neck. I fall to the ground letting him think he won.

Adam: "Foolish human."

Reader: "You're the foolish one."

Adam POV

I look at the man I just cut down and somehow he rises from the ground and there isn't a scratch on him. I go to draw wilt again but he grabs my throat and lifts me into the air; I feel his hand around my throat getting tighter and feel myself blacking out. I draw wilt and ram it through his heart so I know he dies. But he just looks at my sword and pulls it out of him like it is nothing.

Reader: "I can see why Blake had a issue with you. You are bat shit bonkers."

Adam: *strained* "Why won't you die?"

Reader: "Allow me to show you."

His form changes from that of a human to that of a demon. Fear starts to consume my body and for some reason I feel myself wanting to die.

Reader: "I am the third brother god, god of fear."

Reader POV

I see Adam's will to live vanish and put him out of his misery by drowning him in fear and putting him in a catatonic state. I drop him and stare at his followers who all shake in fear.

Reader: "Listen and listen well, you are to abandon your destructive ways and return to your old master. Should you betray them I will kill all of you. Do you understand?"

They nod and they follow me back outside; I redo my human form and meet with Ilia.

Ilia: "What happened in there?"

Reader: "I restored peace to the white fang."

Ilia: "What of Adam?"

Reader: "He is comatose and drowning in his own fear."

Ilia: "Will he die?"

Reader: "No, he'll be back to normal by tomorrow; and when he comes back to reality his personality will have taken a complete one eighty for the better."

Ilia: "That is good to hear."

Reader: "Who is the current boss of the white fang?"

Ilia: "Sienna Kahn, why?"

Reader: "I would like to meet her."

Ilia leads me to Sienna and I am met face to face with a beautiful female tiger faunus.

Ilia: "Sienna, this man wishes to see you."

Sienna: "Who are you?"

Reader: "My name is Y/N and I am the one who has dealt with Adam."

Sienna: "That is good to hear, please follow me."

I follow her and for some reason she leads me to a bedroom with a rather large bed.

Reader: "What's this about?"

Sienna: "Kali told me about you and I want to see if what she says is true."

She then undresses as do I and I spend all night proving that what Kali said about me is all true and more.

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