Ch 20 Shade

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Reader POV

Reader: "Well, it's nice to you Lily."

Lily: "What's a brother god doing in the human world?"

Reader: "For some reason I was placed here and now my goal is to use the relics to return home to my brothers."

Lily: "Well if you want the relic of destruction you will need to go to Shade academy."

Reader: "Can you take me there?"

Lily: "Of course."

We leave from where we are and arrive back at Blake's house.

Blake: "Y/N, who's this?"

Reader: "Everyone, this is Lily Kesa; she is going to be taking me to Shade academy."

Kali: "Why?"

Reader: "Because I have some business that needs to be taken care of there."

Me and Blake pack our bags and head back to Beacon. When we get there I put my clothes away then head back to the bullhead landing pads with Lily. One arrives and we ride it to Shade academy; we walk through the halls of the academy until we reach the headmaster's office.

Headmaster: "Lily what are you doing here; and who is this?"

Reader: "My name is Y/N and I need to get into your vault under the school."

Headmaster: "Why would I do that?"

Lily: "Headmaster Theodore, this is the third brother god."

Theodore: "Bullshit."

I release my true form and for some reason he isn't scared which comes as a shock to me.

Reader: "You didn't immediately fill with fear, interesting."

Theodore: "It will take more than just a change in appearance to scare me."

Reader: "Then how about a duel?"

Theodore: "Fair warning, I am not a push over."

I teleport all three of us to a open area and we begin our match. Theodore throws some punches at me and I easily dodge them; he goes to kick my chest but I catch his foot and throw him to the side. He jumps to his feet and tries to punch me again; one of his punches lands and I am sent backwards. He smiles smugly and continues his assault; I block his attacks and manage to get him in a arm lock. He pulls me close and headbutts me freeing himself. I growl in anger and use some of my magic to emit a black mist. He charges at me and the mist goes inside his nose making him stop dead in his tracks. He fights the visions by shaking his head and punching himself; I turn up the intensity and soon he drops to his knees with blood coming out of his eyes. He still decides to fight by lunging at me which I side step and slam my elbow onto his back. He tries to get up but I increase the visons once more and he screams in agony.

Reader: "If I increase it any further you will die, so please stay down."

Theodore: *gasping* "Very... well."

I turn off the visions, redo my human disguise and help him to his feet. I see his blood shot eyes and heal him of his wounds.

Theodore: "You really are a brother god."

Reader: "And I require the relic inside your vault."

He nods and leads us to the vault containing the relic. Lily opens the door and I walk inside to get the relic. I stand in front of the relic and the moment I touch the sword everything goes black and I find myself in a all black area. I look around and then see a male figure.

Man: "Ye dare huv a go tae titch th' relic o' destruction ?"

Reader: "Who and what are you?"

Gideon: "They ca' me Gideon 'n' a'm th' bein' held wi'in th' relic o' destruction."

Reader: "Where am I?"

Gideon: "Yer in th' steid whaur ah wull deem if yer worthy tae wield me or nae."

Reader: "So how are we doing this? Will I be taking a written test?"

Gideon: "Ye'r funny. Bit na, ah wull be diving intae yer brain 'n' dermine if yer in yer richt state o' mynd."

Reader: "That seems like a huge invasion of privacy."

Gideon: "Tis necessary. It lets me know that a'm givin' mah power tae someone ah kin trust."

Reader: "Very well, hurry before I regret this."

Gideon: "Yer impatient."

He places his hand on my forehead and I see everything I have ever done in my long life.

Gideon: "Ah hae seen yer life 'n' deem ye worthy. Even if ye hud bin a horny Jimmy."

Reader: "What can I say, I know how to have fun. So is that it?"

Gideon: "Not yit, ah need tae see how ye react tae certain situations."

Reader: "And how will you be doing that?"

Gideon: "Simple, juist answer mah quaistion truthfully."

Reader: "That's it?"

Gideon: "Aye, whin ye receive mah power, whit dae ye plan tae dae wi' it?"

Reader: "I plan to use it by combining it with the other relics so I can return home to my brothers."

Gideon: "A noble answer, ye hae th' richt tae receive mah power."

He holds out his hand and the relic of destruction appears in it. He hands it to me and the second I grab it I am transported back to the real world. I clip the relic to my hip and head out of the vault; I then teleport back to Beacon where I am greeted by Salem.

Salem: "How did it go?"

I hold out the relic and the other two react to its presence.

Jinn: "It's been a long time Gideon."

Gideon: "A buzz tae catch up wi' ye again Jinn."

Fritz: "What about me?"

Gideon: "Less o' a buzz."

Fritz: "Screw you Gideon."

Gideon: "Aww whit's th' maiter, did ah hurt yer feelin's?"

Fritz: "I thought we were best friends."

Gideon: "Whin did ye think o' that?"

Fritz: "You said so the day we were made."

Gideon: "Ah dae not recall saying that."

Jinn: *chuckles*

Fritz: "You guys are bullies."

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