Ch 17 Menagerie

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Reader POV

I lay in my dorm thinking about my next move when Blake comes into my room. She sits on my bed and sulks her head.

Reader: "What's wrong Blake?"

Blake: "I need your help."

Reader: "Ok, what is it you need help with?"

Blake: "There is this man I used to know who is named Adam. He is a faunus that believes that humans are inferior to faunus."

Reader: "You want me to take care of him?"

Blake: "Yes."

Reader: "Where is he?"

Blake: "Last I heard, he was somewhere in Menagerie rallying some white fang members to come to Vale."

Reader: "Pack your bag and we'll leave as soon as possible."

Blake: "Thank you Y/N."

I nod and she leaves while I pack my bag for Menagerie. About thirty minutes later we board a bullhead that takes us to the docks where we take a boat to Menagerie. We set foot on land and Blake leads me to somewhere. We reach a giant house and Blake knocks on the door; after a few seconds a very lovely lady that looks like a older Blake answers the door.

Blake: "Hi mom."

Reader: "So this is Bellabooty senior?"

Blake's mom looks at me and I can see she has the eyes of a predator staring down its prey.

Mom: "Blake, who is this handsome young man?"

I comb my hair back and speak in my best suave voice.

Reader: "You can call me Y/N lovely lady."

Mom: "Well ain't you a smooth talker."

Reader: "It comes naturally. What is your name beautiful?"

Kali: "Kali, Kali Belladonna."

Reader: "Well, it is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance."

Kali: *whispers to Blake* "I like him."

Blake: *embarrassed* "Mom!"

Kali: *to me* "Come inside, dinner is on the table."

We set our bags down in the living room and sit down in the kitchen. Blake sits next to me while Kali sits in front of me.

Reader: "So Mrs. Belladonna, what do you do for a living?"

Kali: "Ms. Belladonna."

Reader: "You're not married?"

Kali: "I was, but there was a accident and it resulted in the death of my husband."

Reader: "I'm sorry for bringing it up."

Kali: "It's alright it was when Blake was born, so I had my time to mourn and move on."

Reader: "Still, I'm sorry for bringing it up."

Kali: "That is quite alright."

Reader: "Back to my question, what is it you do for a living?"

Kali: "I mostly stay at home while occasionally picking up a day shift at the local market to help keep the lights on."

We continue to sit and talk when something interesting happens. I look over at Kali and she is staring at me, she then brings her fork to her mouth and uses her tongue to scrub every inch of the pointed end of the fork while smiling and giving me a wink.

Reader: "Kali, can you hand me the salad?"

Kali: "Of course."

She hands me the bowl of salad and I put the serving spoon in the salad and get some. But I don't actually withdraw the spoon, I just keeping pushing the spoon in and out of the salad. Kali bites her lip getting my message I then actually get some salad. I look to my right and see Blake is too busy eating to pay attention to us. I look back at Kali and she "accidently" gets some of the salad dressing on her fingers. She slowly puts the fingers into her mouth as if showing off her deepthroating skills. She takes all but the tips of her fingers out of her mouth and gives me another wink. She finally takes her fingers out with a audible smack.

I can feel myself getting excited and as if Oum was cheering me on Blake excuses herself from the table. Not wasting a second I dive under the table while being sure to leave behind a clone so as to not cause suspicion. I scoot Kali's chair closer to the table so I'm better hidden; I then use my magic to make the bottom half of her clothes disappear and get to work.

Clone POV

Blake comes back from where she went and rejoins us at the table. I look at Kali and she is biting her lip in order to keep quite.

Blake: "Mom, are you okay? You look a little red there."

Kali: "I'm FINE, I'm just really ENJOYING this meal that I made."

Clone: "Yes, I have to agree. This meal really is good."

Blake: "Mom always did have the magic touch when it came to cooking."

Kali: "Yeah, magic touch."

I feel the original me change tactics and I see Kali's cat ears twitch. She leans her head down while grasping the table cloth.

Blake: "Mom, are you sure you're okay?"

Kali: "Of course DEAR. There is nothing to worry ABOUT."

I feel Kali's thighs incase the original me's head and her left hand on the back of his head. Kali is on the verge of blowing our cover when again Oum works in our favor and Blake once again excuses herself this time to the kitchen. Luckily their kitchen is out of view of the dinning room and the moment Blake leaves Kali finally lets out a giant moan.

Reader POV

I crawl back into my seat and see Kali still recovering from what just happened. I quickly finish my food and as I walk past Kali I make the bottom part of her clothes reappear allowing her to get up from her seat. Later that night me and Blake go to our separate rooms and about a hour later my bedroom door opens and Kali walks in with nothing but a bathrobe on with it being opened enough for me to see a good amount of her cleavage.

Reader: "Ready for round two?"

She doesn't say anything and instead locks the door and jumps on me.

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