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Reader POV

I close my eyes then open them and instead of being home with my brothers I am at a place I do not recognize. I don't know how I got here mostly due to the author not being able to come up with a good enough reason. But what I do know is that I want to get back home. The place I'm in is a place straight out of hell and the complete opposite of paradise. I spot a building and teleport to it; I turn into a cloud smoke and phase through the door. I aimlessly wander through the building when I can feel the presence of other people. I phase through the door and find three males and a female sitting at a table.

Female: "Once Cinder is done with her part then we will move on to the second phase of our plan."

Reader: "Say, what kind of plan are we talking about?"

They look at me and I go to the center of the table.

Female: "How did you get here?"

Reader: "I sort of just appeared which ironically is what happened to John."

Female: "Who's John?"

Reader: "No one important."

Female: "Who are you?"

Reader: "I am the god of fear."

Male1: "Please a cloud of smoke can not be a god."

I laugh and reveal my true form which is a eight foot tall figure with a lions skull and exposed bones. On my head are tree horns and my overall appearance is that of the cover art.

Reader: "Still think I'm not a god?"

I feel everyone but the female start to be consumed by fear. I look at her and she stands before me and I easily tower over her. She goes to attack me but I grab her wrists and use some of my power on her. She screams bloody murder and scratches her head while pulling out some of her hair.

Male2: "How dare you hurt my goddess!"

Reader: "She brought this on herself."

Male2: "You'll pay for that!"

He lunges at me but I crack my right pointer finger and the sound of multiple bones breaking is heard. He falls to the ground broken and I look at the others.

Reader: "Now listen children, you all work for me and will listen to me or you will all die. You can try to run but I will find and kill you. Now are you all going to be peaceful?"

Male2: "I'll never listen to you!"

Reader: "Such a shame."

I curb stomp his head and kill him on the spot.

Reader: "Anyone else want to join him?"

They nod and I smile.

Reader: "Good, now your first order is to tell me if I can escape this area."

Male3: "There is a portal not far from here that you can take. It will take you to Remnant."

Reader: "That is good to know. I like you a lot more now big man."

Female: "What about me?"

I look at the female, I can tell she is different.

Reader: "What do you want to do?"

Female: "I want to stay by your side."

Reader: (thoughts) "Oh shit, I may have broken her." (out loud) "Okay you can come with me."

She perks up and runs to my side. Yeah, I think I gave her Stockholm syndrome. Oh well, I wouldn't mind having her by my side especially with a body like that. We leave the castle and head for the portal to Remnant. We arrive and walk through the portal and we step foot on Remnant but it was in a alley. I figure I can't walk around in my true form so I use my power to create a human body. I give it a complexation, some muscle, hair set to a certain length, eyes of a certain color. Since I am a male I make myself the part that counts; and before you ask no. My sperm won't kill anyone like what happened to Glynda in The Father written by ModerateOutis.

The good news is that the story will only have one death in its entirety. Anyway enough with the fourth wall breaks, those things ain't cheap. I make myself some clothes and some weapons; for melee I create a sword and for range I make a gun with infinite ammo. I holster them and go to walk out when the female I brought with me stops me.

Female: "I hate to break it to you, but I can't go out looking like what I look like."

I sigh and use my magic to give her a human appearance and give some more definition to her curves but not enough to notice. When that was finished we walk out of the alley and once out we see kids heading to a flying machine.

Reader: "Hey whatever your name is, where are they going?"

Salem: "My name is Salem, and they are going to a school to train if I'm not mistaken."

I rub my hands together mischievously and laugh devilishly. I motion for her to follow me and we board the UFO and it takes off to its destination.

Reader: (thoughts) "I hope wherever this thing is heading is going to be full of people to have fun with."

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