Ch 8 Fighting Robocop

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Reader POV

Hello dear readers it is I the one and only Y/N. It is a good day here at Beacon; on the outside the sky is blue with not a single cloud in sight, the sun is high in the sky and the birds are singing their songs to each other. The inside may not be as beautiful, but what can you expect from a school? Students are chatting with one another as they hurry to their next class. All of the teachers are going over their lesson plan for the tenth time today, all of the teachers except for Glynda Goodwitch. She is currently is her classroom, bent over her desk and having her ass pounded into oblivion.

You may be asking yourself, who is the lucky man that is exploring her cave? The answer is simple, it is me. We have been going at it for ten minutes straight and she came so many times that there is now a white stain where her juices landed. After the first five minutes I got kind of bored so I got a sharpie from her desk, turned off any outside feeling and started drawing on her ass and lower back.

Around the ten minute mark I finish my drawing which is a picture of a bop it with the words fuck it under it. Then immediately under the words is a arrow stopping right above her backdoor. I put the sharpie away when the classroom door opens and Yang walks in.

Yang: "Good morning miss Goodwi- what in sweet Oum?!!"

Reader: "Oh hey Yang. What are you doing here?"

Yang: *turns around* "Class is about to start."

Reader: "Okay just give us a minute then come in. Oh, and if Ruby asks just tell her that you saw Glynda in a yoga pose and that's why you yelled. I'd hate to ruin her innocence."

She just nods and runs out of the room.

Reader: "You heard her Glynda, time to wrap this up."

Glynda: "Ok, just do it-"

Reader: "Too late!"

I finish in her ass and fix my pants.

Reader: "Ok, time to get ready."

Without thinking I spank her ass a little too hard and leave behind a red hand print. She grabs her ass in pain and sounds like she is about to cry.

Glynda: "That really hurt."

Reader: *trying not to laugh* "My bad, let me help."

I heal her pain but not the mark I left.

Glynda: "What about your hand mark?"

Reader: "I want you to remember this."

She fixes her clothes and pulls me close.

Glynda: "I need some of your love to make it through this class."

I lean my head down and she closes her eyes while pursing her lips. I miss her mouth and whisper in her ear.

Reader: "You got railed in the ass for ten minutes straight. That is more than enough love."

She pouts and I sit in my seat and pretty soon class starts. I watch Pyrrha be named the winner of her fight and a boy I recognize raises his hand.

Boy: "I want to fight next."

Glynda: "Mercury, very well then; let us find you an opponent."

Mercury: "Actually I wanna fight him."

He points to me.

Goodwitch: "Very well, will both combatants please get ready?"

We walk into the arena and I taunt Mercury.

Reader: "Give me a good fight roboshorts."

He goes wide eyed and that confirms my suspicion. He is the same guy who's leg I broke.

Mercury: "Funny trash talk."

Reader: "Thanks, now let's fight."

The buzzer goes off and Mercury runs at me. I let his attacks connect and it barely drains any of my aura. He jumps back but I zip to him and punch him in his gut; he falls to his hands and knees and I kick him in his chin. He skates across the ground and rises to his feet; he does some breakdance moves and creates a dome of attacks. He launches them at me and I don't bother dodging. I look up the aura board and my aura is still in the green while his is halfway in the green from only two hits.

I draw my gun and fire at him unleashing a storm of bullets. He dodges them and flips his way to me. He high kicks me but I tilt my head to the opposite dead and kick his leg out from under him. He falls on his back and I unload my gun on him until the buzzer goes off.

Glynda: "Y/N is the winner."

Mercury: "You didn't even try did you?"

I kneel next to him and whisper in his ear."

Reader: "No, and don't forget what I told you."

Mercury: "You never told me anything."

Reader: "Oh, but I did. Upset me and you will die."

I hear him gulp in fear and I stand up.

Reader: "Remind your friend of my warning."

Mercury POV

He walks back to his seat and I am left shaking in fear. Later back in our dorm I am still shaking and Emerald finally asks the question.

Emerald: "Mercury what is wrong? You've been acting weird ever since your fight with that Y/N guy."

Mercury: "It's him."

Emerald: "Huh?"

Mercury: "Remember that figure that warned us about upsetting it?"

Her body goes stiff and she can only nod.

Mercury: "Well, that Y/N guy said the same thing."

Emerald: "So that means..."

Mercury: "Yep shit just went from bad to worst."

Emerald: "We have to tell Cinder so she knows."

Mercury: "I can only pray to Oum that she can help us."

Emerald: "Me and you both. If Cinder can't help us deal with this guy then we are basically dead people walking."

We exit our dorm and head off to the hideout in order to tell everyone the news of what I just learned.

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