Ch 1 Beacon Academy

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Reader POV

Me and Salem ride this strange sky car and soon a hologram of a woman comes on.

Reader: "Damn she thicc."

Glynda: "My name is Glynda Goodwitch."

Reader: "She's got to have a kid in order to have a body like that."

Glynda: "You are among a privileged few who have received the honor of being selected to attend this prestigious academy. Our world is experiencing an incredible time of peace, and as future Huntsmen and Huntresses it is your duty to uphold it. You have demonstrated the courage needed for such a task, and now it is our turn to provide you with the knowledge and the training to protect our world."

Reader: "Please lend me your knowledge Miss sexy teacher."

We arrive at this academy and it is huge. Matter of fact it kind of looks like a castle. I walk forward with Salem when I hear a explosion to my left; I look over and see some poor girl being yelled at. I intervene and put a stop to this.

Reader: "Hey hey, calm down woman."

Girl: "You watch your mouth."

Reader: "Or what, you're going to nag me to death?"

Girl: "How dare you! Do you have any idea who I am?"

Reader: "Not really, and I could care less."

Weiss: "My name is Weiss Schnee. Heiress to the Schnee Dust Company."

Reader: "Oooo, you say that like its supposed mean something."

Weiss: "The nerve of you."

Reader: "One nerve out of seven trillion."

She shouts in anger and storms off in a huff. I look at the girl that was getting yelled at and she smiles at me.

Girl: "Thank you for that."

Reader: "Don't mention it miss?"

Ruby: "Ruby, Ruby Rose."

Reader: "Well, it was a pleasure to meet you miss Rose."

I walk away and head back to Salem. That girl she looks a lot younger than everyone else here, I may want to keep a eye on her. I make it back to Salem and we follow the other students to a giant room with a stage. We see a old man in a green suit walk up to the microphone and start speaking.

Old man: "I'll keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills. When you are finished you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you and all I see is wasted energy in need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take that first step."

Reader: "I can tell he's dying on the inside."

Glynda: "You will gather at the ballroom tonight. Tomorrow your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed."

Reader: "Oum, that outfit she has on makes her look good."

We gather in the ballroom and everyone lays out their sleeping bags. I say everyone excluding me since I don't exactly need sleep. I wait till everyone falls asleep then pull out a screen and stream some episodes of my favorite anime. I get up to episode seven hundred and I see it is only three in the morning. I pause the anime and start something else. I pull out a sharpie and doodle on some of the faces of the males. I finish with the last male and I still have three more hours until the sun rises. I head outside and wonder through the halls just trying to find something to do. I see a giant tower behind the school and I get a brilliant idea. I teleport to the top of the tower, make some spray cans and get to work. When I was finished I write a message under the giant eye that reads Sauron has his eye on you.

I teleport back to the ball room to find everyone waking up. As for Salem she looks like she didn't sleep; she walks to me and starts nagging.

Salem: "Where were you last night?"

Reader: "Trying to kill time since I don't need sleep."

Salem: "You left me in this room alone all night."

Reader: "Well, I had no control over what I did. It's like someone is telling me what to do against my will."

Salem: "Were you dropped on your head?"

Reader: "Maybe. Let's get some food, I'm starving."

We walk to the food area and I stack a literal mountain of food on my tray and place it down on my table.

Salem: "You eat like a pig."

Reader: "Cut me some slack. Having to use my power in a human body means I have to eat a lot."

Salem: "You could at least ration it out throughout the day."

Reader: "Nah, too much work."

I devour my food like I was the flash and when I get to the meat some boy walks up to me.

Boy: "Say beautiful, how bout we get together?"

Salem: "I have no interest in a feeble human like you."

Boy: "That wasn't very lady like."

Reader: "Dude that means she's not interested in you."

Boy: "Did I ask you?"

Reader: "No, but I had to since you're stupid."

Boy: "What did you call me?"

Reader: "A name that you have been called all your life."

Boy: "Watch it punk."

Reader: "Or what, you're going to use your limited vocabulary to insult me?"

Boy: "You will pay for mocking me."

Reader: "Don't think me fighting you is a good idea."

Boy: "Why, you scared?"

Reader: "No, it's just someone hitting a slow person is considered ethically wrong."

Boy: "I'm not slow!"

Reader: "It's okay Forrest you can believe in whatever you want."

Boy: "You're dead!"

Reader: "Uh oh, he's getting angry. Someone give him some crayons."

He goes to hit me but I dodge, slam his head on the table and hold his right arm behind his back.

Reader: "You'll have to try harder if you want to hit me."

I let him go and he storms off; me and Salem finish our breakfast and head to the locker room to get our weapons.

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