Ch 13 Atlas

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Reader POV

We exit the bullhead and carry our bags to a taxi; we ride it and it arrives at a rather large mansion. We head inside and are greeted by a very friendly butler.

Butler: "Lady Weiss, welcome home."

Weiss: "Klein, it is always good to see you."

Klein: *grumpy* "And just who is this riffraff?"

Weiss: "Klein, this is Y/N. He has agreed to help me with my family problems."

Klein: *happy* "It is good to hear that Weiss has someone to help her in times of need."

Reader: "Are you okay, like mental wise?"

Weiss: "Klein has the ability to alter his personality."

Reader: "And here I thought mood swings were bad."

Klein: *happy* "Allow me to take your luggage."

He grabs our bags and escorts us to our rooms. As we make our way down the hall I see a boy that looks like a male Weiss. For some reason I hate him.

Boy: *disgust* "Hello sister."

Weiss: "Hello Whitley how are yo-"

Whitley: "How I am is none of your concern."

I see Weiss get a little sad and I get angry.

Reader: "All right, listen here you little shit."

Whitley: "Sister, who is this barbarian?"

Reader: "A guy who is going to teach you some damn respect."

Whitley: "Please if anyone needs some respect, it's you. Do you have any idea who I am?"

Reader: "A little boy who is trying to hard to impress daddy?"

Whitley: "Excuse me?!"

Reader: "Oh, I'm sorry. Did it hurt to hear the truth?"

Whitley: "You bastard."

Reader: "The only bastard I see is a boy who thinks it's alright to pick on woman when all she wants is to know how her little brother is doing."

Whitley: "You will not talk to me like that."

Reader: "Or what, you're going to get your dad to fire my dad?"

He goes to swing at me but I catch it and pin it behind his back. I apply pressure until I hear a pop and he screams.

Reader: "While I'm here, you will treat Weiss with respect or your little lover here," *lifts his right arm up more causing pain* "Will not be able to satisfy you tonight."

Whitley: "Release me this instant!"

Reader: "Not until you apologize to your sister."

Whitley: "Never."

I bring his arm up further and I hear a snap. I let go and his arm falls imp to his side.

Whitley: "You'll pay for this."

He runs off to Oum knows where and I look at Weiss and Klein who both look shocked. We unload our bags in our rooms and head to the kitchen to eat dinner. I sit next to Weiss and Whitley sits across from us with his right arm in a arm sling. Klein comes from the kitchen and stands beside me.

Klein: "Y/N, could you go get Mrs. Schnee and tell her it is time for dinner? Her room is up the stairs and last door on the right."

Reader: "Of course."

I get up from the table and walk past Whitley; I quickly raise my fist and he drops his fork out of fear. I follow Klein's directions and knock on the door.

Reamer: "Mrs. Schnee, it's time for dinner."

I don't get an answer so I open the door and see a woman sitting in a chair facing the window. I stand in front of her and the woman is absolutely beautiful.

Reader: "Mrs. Schnee, dinner is ready."

Mrs. Schnee: *slurred* "Ah! Good, another reason to drink."

I swipe the bottle away and use my magic to sober her up.

Reader: "I think you had enough to drink Mrs. Schnee."

Willow: "Please, call me Willow. Mrs. Schnee makes me feel older than I already am."

Reader: "What are you talking about? You look like you're still in your twenties."

Willow: "You don't have to lie to me."

Reader: "Why would I lie about your beauty?"

Willow: "You really think I'm beautiful?"

Reader: "Willow forgive my language, but holy fuck you are stunning! I mean just look at you, you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."

She blushes at my compliments and gives me a smile.

Willow: "I wish my husband looked at me the way you did."

Reader: "Yeah, going off Whitley I can tell he is a major cunt."

Willow: "That's putting it mildly."

We both laugh at her comment and sit in comfortable silence.

Reader: "If we don't hurry your food is going to get cold."

She smiles and like a cougar she pounces on me and makes me land back first on the bed. She crashes her lips onto mine and I can feel the want in it.

Reader: "When was the last time you got some?"

Willow: "When I got pregnant with Whitley, but it wasn't even enjoyable."

Reader: "Well then, prepare for the time of your life."

I take control and pretty soon I am taking her from behind. I guess we were gone for a while because the door to the bedroom opens and Whitley walks in.

Whitley: "Mother dinner- what in the name of Oum?!"

Reader: "Hey Whitley, I fucked your mom!"

He runs out of the room crying like a little bitch and me and Willow get back to it. Some time later me and Willow lay in the bed and she is breathing heavily.

Willow: "You are far better than my husband Jacques."

I go wide eyed and get dressed as fast as I can.

Willow: "What's wrong?"

Reader: "Your husband is named Jacques?"

Willow: "Yeah why?"

I give her a kiss and a reassuring smile then bolt to try and find Jacques. I hear yelling and it is that of a man. I go to where the yelling is coming from and see Whitley talking to a older male that looks like him.

Man: "Is this the man Whitley?"

Whitley: "Yes."

Man: "Young man, you are in so much trouble. Whitley leave us."

Whitley: "I told you you'll pay."

He exits the room and I lock the door behind him and smile. I turn to face the man whom I finally recognize as Jacques Schnee and speak in my natural voice.

Reader: "It's been a long time Jacques."

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