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Got too caught up playing wild rift and ao3 so yeah.

"No please" he screamed,hands in front of him as he shake them as a futile attempt to stop his impending doom.

"You should have listened to that when those kids said those exact words to you" He lifted his dagger up,it's point sparkled with the help of the moonlight as crimson red blood drips themselves away from the weapon.

The guy screamed,as he felt the weapon pierced themselves to his body,his skin and insides signaled pain to his mind which was the cause of his reaction.

"Ugh" he groaned,when the dagger that was embedded on his chest was removed hastily,giving him more pain in the process.

He looked at the eyes of the very man in front of him,his black eyes circled eerily like a storm you see on a news forecast.

"Be lucky i have other things to do,or else i should have chopped this off" He pointed with his knife somewhere he did not know where.

"Goodbye" he said,slashing his dagger on the guy's neck,the other trying to stop the bleeding with his hands as he struggled to breath,before lying lifelessly on the ground.

The man disappeared,leaving the dagger he used on the man's toe.

Once again he was been sent for an assassination,and yes he is complaining.

Its been a while since he returned to the base to check Gumball's state,the other's seemed fishy as they try their best to keep him away from them,the boss also ordered him a lot of killings and stealing for the group,but he only should take,important ones like gold watches,jewelries etc,blegh.

He has four more victims to kill,and by their status and made him seem like a vigilante which he didn't mind.

Two of them were drug lords,able to have a strong and hidden assessments with other drug dealers,and they both were teaming together,sadly killing the two mean the downfall of them all no matter how stupid that sounded.

The other one is a serial killer,always killing pregnant girls as her target,she was known and was feared by,someone was even mad enough to make a commercial of a condom with her as a "figure",though it worked.

And the other was a pet killer,no matter what kind of pets,all they know is that you should at least have a year of being with your pet,then he will kill them,if he has time,use their guts and bones to spell you the words,love you...he chills in his spine.

The moon shined itself brightly,it being his only source of light as he walked to the woods,tall trees he passed by,minutes after minutes with only the sound of his footsteps,breathing,and crickets are heard,he could have just teleported himself,but he just doesn't feel like doing it today.

Their screams of mercy didn't bother them,the gun shots were more effective to at least give him a twitch of movement in the face.

With his teleportation if you want to call it that,it was easy to just go their backs and slice their necks.

He immediately returned quietly after all his missions were finished.

Clenched fists,eyes wide,he saw what was the reason behind them all,and how dare they do that to Darwin!,he like the guy,not romantically or sexually of course.

He took a deep breathe,his eyes as dark like his shadowed body as he teleported himself somewhere he can,as long as he can kill someone.

The others were surprised to say the least,they favorite toy were gone,they dropped the tray of food they have,before leaving to hurriedly run to their boss.

He just stared lifelessly,dropping the two heavy weights to the ground,their still asleep figures not even wincing or groaning once.

He looked and went everywhere he can,finding Gumball's bag and a few things needed as well.

The boiled water helped the noodles spread their delicious smell,successfully waking the two up,they were confused and looked around as they identify their surroundings,not realizing that the two of them is near the other.

They looked in their front,seeing Maru with a small campfire as he held out two cups of noodles for the two.

"The taste of freedom"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2020 ⏰

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