Morning Chase

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Gumball smiled resting his head on the tree they were seating.

Who needed a tent anyways,this is more,more nice.

Gumball was the first to wake up this time,Darwin was still sleeping on his shoulders.

He dont want to but he had to do it.

"Darwin wake up"-Gumball said shaking Darwin as gently as rocking a baby.

"Hmmm?"-Darwin groaned scratching his eyes,then began to stretch.

Gumball immediately leave and gave Darwin noodles.

"But we....*yawnnnn* need hot water for this"-Darwin said still half asleep.

"Well i got the hot part,but the water was a no no"-i joked,and saw Darwin blushed red,i blushed to at his expression but mines just pink.

"Just kidding i got a thermos here"-Gumball said grabbing his bag,opening it,and grabbed a mini thermos.

We opened the noodle's lid since we have nothing to put it,yeah yeah i rushed up the packing,Gumball facepalmed mentally.

"Here Darwin"-He said throwing a plastic fork.

Darwin catched it and made a dab,Gumball quietly chuckled,cute,they waited for a while,and when they are ready,they forked the contents blowing it before eating it.

Gumball finished quickly drinking the water,that now was mixed with seasonings,it was hot just like he want.

To Darwin it was otherwise,blowing it hard before drinking them all,"Give"-Gumball said reaching his hand,Darwin gave him the fork and the plastic.(To those who are wondering the noodles are packed by plastic not by cups).

He put it to his bag,then folded the tent,and put it to his bag too.

His phone buzzed,a call arrived,"Yellooo"-Gumball answered with a slang,"She is near you"-the voice was familiar,he didnt check the caller,it was Anais.

"What do you mean?"-i asked."Well mom,she ahhh,put a note that said that she will leave because of business issues but when i checked,she left elmore,right now the chance of her near you is 70%,according to my collected datas"-she answered.

Gumball was shocked,he would never doubt Anais' skills of hacking and collecting info.

"Darwin,lets go Moms near"-Gumball said sharply,"Ok"-Darwin replied.

"What he knew??!"-Anais screamed,"Relax,i told him and surprisingly he did notice somethings off"-Gumball replied,currently felt ringing on his head cause the scream was so loud and the phone is on his ear.

"Weird,to be ok with it,so easily,i mean they take good care of you,treat you like a real family,and your okay with that?"-Anais knew Darwin could hear her from the phone,Darwin only nodded.

"He nodded,but i will hang up for now just in case you said is true"-Gumball hanged up,and took a map from the side pocket of the bag,of course it was his hard worked map.

Darwin leaned in closer,"Where to?"-Darwin asked serious.

"Well we are here"-he pointed in the middle of  the woods,"If you left from elmore you will be here",he pointed on the bottom left,"So for now lets walk straight".
Nicole used the telephone,and someone answered,"Hi,Anais just wondering is you and Richard are okay there?"-Nicole asked."We are Mom,but tell me where are you?"-Anais asked."I said it on the note sweetie,i was at work,here"-Nicole reached her phone upwards making sure that,calls,people talking,and paper falling is heard.

"But if you really are there,then....why did it looks liked you were lying"-Anais asked hanging up.

Nicole was a little bit angered asking a question then suddenly hanging up,rude.
Anais was walking in circles trying to call Gumball but wont answer,shit they must have reached a point where there is no signal.

But one question sure was stuck on her head,who was chasing them.

It literally said Nicole Watterson on the datas she collected and can't be malfunction,Anais called again,this time now groaning,pick the fuck up Gumball
Gumball was laughing so hard,seeing Darwin stuck in branches trying to catch a bird,he forgot that someone might be following them,"Hold on dude,i set you free,like the bird"-Gumball cracked a t his own joke slapping his legs,Darwin however was blushing slightly at the action.

It took him not that long to set him free,"You okay dude?"-Gumball asked,"Yeah"-Darwin replied as joyful as ever.

Thats when they felt something,it was a presence,they looked behind them,there they saw a man dark aura flying from his body,and his body was as dark as a shadow.

"There you are"-It said,Gumball and Darwin ran as fast as they could,and 'It' laughed suddenly disappearing and his dark aura looked like it was stomped by something big and heavy.

Gumball and Darwin was running at full panic,when they stopped they saw a motel,this is where Gumball is pointing,going camps,motels through motels and the last part that is till a blur to him on what to do,they cant just stay in a motel forever.

Besides the idea of both of them going to a motel at night,with just the two of them was crazy,but Gumball knew he blushed at that.

"What was that?"-Darwin asked."I Dont know"-Gumball replied he reached for his phone noticed that he has 12 missed calls from Anais.

He called her,she answered up,"Anais something is not right here and you better tell Mom to give you the full details of Darwin' know what i mean"-he sounded serious like he never been,like a villain who got his planned destroyed.

"I need to know the truth"-Gumball added before hanging up,He looked at Darwin and he has that scared expression,Gumball forgot the angry,terrified look on his face.

"Sorry Darwin"-He said,Darwin shaked his head no,"Its okay i was scared too"-Darwin replied.

Gumball's phone buzzed he answered it and Anais' voice gave him at least a small hint of what is happening here,she said.

"Heres the the datas i collected so far".

Threeee chapters in one day,yeahhhhhhhhhhh,seriously though i never know i could do this,this motivation really is making me love writing and my head makes ideas i cant even catch up on,i mean my head already planned the ending,even though what i wrote was not yet half of it.

Sorry my phones at 1% and there is still no electricity here at the moment,come on hurry up,so yeah guys byeeeee

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