Family Dinner

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Darwin!!!!"-he shouted once more.I cant believe,its hard to believe it,well i should have been cause he is a boy too but......

He had a boner.

I collapsed.


Darwin's P.O.V
It was dark,i walked on a abyss as i shouted,hello but no one answers.

Then a figure of Mrs.Mom appeared,"Mom"-i shouted as i ran towards her and give her a hug.

She hugged me back,but then hugged me too tight,i looked at her face as i was restrain for moving.

It was horrible her face was dark,with smile that tongue is poking out that is like a snake.

It was like when she was evilly angry,i was scared i tried to push her,but she is too strong.

Then shadows started to move on her back,quietly absorbing.

I panicked i moved and moved it wasnt enough,as i was swallowed by the darkness along with Mom.

I am in the void,a different kind of void where nothing lies except the dark abyss.

There is no gravity,i let it control my movement,i closed my eyes,yes i am weak but its enough for me to be mentally strong right,right?

"Darwin"-a familiar voice screamed.I looked up,there was no one,but it screamed again,and again more louder every shout.

And again and again and....

"Darwinnnnn,your back"-Gumball greeted with a hug.

"Oh-he-hey,Wait why are we here"-i asked."You passed out,its been 2hours"-the Doctor said.

"But why,how?"-i asked

"You kinda collapsed when you saw...that"-Gumball said clearing his throat.

I remembered his bulge on the shirts,his hot bod with sweat all over,its weird that with all those muscles he looks simple with any clothes.

I shaked my head i must stop thinking about him.And why him,HIM?.

"Wait wheres Mrs.Mom?"-i asked."At work or at the house i dunno"-he answered shrugging.

I sighed of relief,"What's wrong?"-Gumball asked in this 'tone'.

"No-nothing"-i stuttered."Come on tell me"-he said.

"Well i had this dream"-i confessed."What dream?"-he asked.

"Shadows were trying to swallow me in summary"-i said.

Gumball's P.O.V
Just like my dream,but on his respective.

"Did i manage to grab you and free you?"-i asked without thinking.

"N-no you tried but failed"-he replied with confusion.Why even in his dream did i not.

"Why did you ask?"-he asked."Nothing......absolutely nothing"-i said getting lost in thoughts.

"You both need to go home now Wattersons"-It was Principal Brown at the door behind me.

"Darwin is okay now the nurse said all he need is rest....and energy,wait how can one rest even if thy are full of energy"-he started to talking himself.

The bell rang,Principal Brown nodded,permitting us to go home.

And we did what was told.

The bus was filled of "cringe aura" between us two,especially since we still sat together but we didn't talked to each other we just went hone quietly.

"Hows school?"-the voice of a certain person that makes me hiss quietly asked.

"Its fine mom"-Darwin saud,it felt like i finally heard his voice after a very long time.

Darwin gently put his bag near the tv,as i threw mine on the sofa.

The table is set,Anais is looking at me with pitied eyes,but i replied with a worn out look.

I had my plate,i was about to bite when...

"Eat up Darwin"-i felt like something pierce through my head.

"U-uhm y-yes mom"-I can tell Darwin was shocked,confused and forced at this moment.

"You wouldn't know when we are able to eat like this again"-Darwin was confused again,since our food was our "everyday cheap food" Dad isnt even looking at them but is nervously sweating like guilt is hitting him and cant even eat.

Anais was covering her ears taking small bites,trying to keep it together.

I stand up causing all of them to look at me.

"I'm going to bed"-i said leaving."But you didnt eat yet"-Mom said.

"Not hungry"-I tried shouting it but a gloomy voice just came as i went upstairs,to my bed and tried to sleep.

Gonna be his last meal with us huh,ain't i right mom?

I closed my eyes,since falling asleep is better than punching the walls.

Darwin's P.O.V
Mrs.Mom has been a little bit pushy today,forcing me to eat a lot,Even Mr.Dad isnt in the mood for eating today.

What's wrong,and why does Gumball looks so upset,is it because of earlier.

I went upstairs and saw him asleep a hand of his formed into a fist.

He must be angry at me.

I just went asleep hoping tomorrow his mood is better,well i hope it is.

     One more day to go

Finallyyyyyyy an update,i missed this so much im sorry for not updating but here i am extremely late...with a new fav ship,its okay i will still do those 5 gumwin books first  before going to do bakudeku books so i will update again tomorrow as apology.

Sorry guys and i'll be back...this time not for long


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