I do

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A day,that's how long Gumball stayed on the tent,wondering,thinking at what he had done,he knew it wasn't his fault,but a side of him telling him that he pushed too far.

F***ing voices

He sighed,he stared in his front,staring at it even though its just a wall...err a part of the tent to be exact.

His shoulders were wet and his knees,obviously because of crying.

Will this journey even end?

He heard a voice from inside him,he sighed once more,his reading minds again.

He continued accidentally reading Darwin's mind,and few more tears came out from his eyes.

Will you come out?

Still mad i see.

I-im sorry

Im,losing faith in you.

Gumball cried once more,and how can't he,ever since he step foot on this godforsaken journey,left there house to be safe,all he was in mind was to go away,ate things he heavily packed,rest every night,but most importantly all he wants is Darwin's safety.

Will we walk forever?

Can...we still go home?

All he wanted was to keep him safe.

I wanted to see Carrie,everyone at school.

Wanted to keep him safe.

Play at the mall

Keep him safe.

Play with my sister,and laugh at my father.


Yes,he knew that part is a success even though its ongoing,yet he still can't help but cry.

Please,my hero

Tears went him like a waterfall,gently flowing down as it streams to his shoulder and knees.

Can i call myself that,i think not.

He keeps him safe,but he forgot to give him his freedom,his chance to be happy,something more important to him than life itself.

But he refuses,he wanted him to be safe,to see his eyes open,to feel his breath,to see him move gracefully.

He will do everything for Darwin's life.

Even if he had to trade his own.

But the day was still young,time's too early,and it seems that it has been too quiet.

No call from Anais,no Carrie appearance,no Kidnappers,no nothing,as if the world wanted them to fix their problem and not making the outside an excuse.

He groaned,his day won't really be better.

Anais was trying to call him,saying Gumball pick up,when they was running away from the Big four or something.

Nicole noticed this,and wanted an explanation,Nicole was crying not realizing that after all this time,Anais was secretly contacting them.

Anais has visible fear in here,and Nicole cried much much...wetter,strong emotions filling her which no one would ever thought possible.

Anais told her the story once she had calmed down,the plans,the run away or get away,they are still moving cause they still had no fixed destination,the cults following them.

Nicole cried once more,"Do not interfere now,the cults dangerous even for me,and...and if Gumball...really has that kind of...plan,then i can assume his safe,Darwin's safe...his finally taking responsibility of something major,and i their supposed to be mom,started it." She just can't stop crying in the middle of his sentences.

"And i felt it,a pang, an energy from him,containing nothing except a strong determination of protecting,saving,only to be cast with such strong anger,and it was...powerful than mine would ever be." She continued,the shock on her daughter was evident,and she let out a dry chuckle.

"I'll explain everything to you".

With one last groan,he crawled and opened the tent,only to be hit by the bright rays of the sun.

He hissed,closing his eyes for a moment,before opening them once again,he groaned folding the tent as he grabbed his bag and went on their,holding his map as well,and realized he noticed something peculiar.

He ignored it...yet and continued to walk,but of course his puffy eyes,wet knees didn't got ignored by Darwin.

Darwin missed their cuddles,his kind touches only to be blocked by a stupid problem,he wants to curse and Gumball's psychic ability,yet thanked it as well for making Gumball know.

He still can't hide it,neither cover it,he still loves him.

I miss his affec-err touc-err...way of showing how he cared.

His warm hugs,his comforting pats,his kind words,and his changed demeanor to those he cared.

He still felt sad about those though,no hiding it,not noticing he was thinking.

I bet his child with Penny will be lucky.

Gumball tripped,out of nothing,and Darwin blushed,remembering that Gumball can hear thoughts.

If only those,can be mine,even for a day,i would be eternally happy.

Gumball can't help but cry,though not making it obvious as he continued to walk.

A few second,turned to minutes and minutes turned to hours,finally Gumball went to a halt,dropped his bag,and opened his tent,but this time he gestured Darwin to follow.

Darwin obeyed can't help but felt intimidated and scared.

Gumball was lying down on the left side,and a sheet was placed on the right,Darwin sat on it still can't feel sleepy and...un-intimidated.

"I'm sorry." He can hear Gumball say,he looked to the left,and saw Gumball sitting the same way he was and looking down.

Immediately he hugged Gumball,out of reflex,reflex of his love-err caring.

"Me too,i should have been more grateful." He replied tears threatening to fall.

"Yeah,you should have been." Gumball let out a dry chuckle.

"And also i hope you will still give me a second chance." Gumball said on a low voice almost a whisper.

"In everything." Darwin whispered back to his ear.

"Also Darwin,i do." Darwin was confused that time.

"What do you mean?" Gumball let out a sigh.

"I do Darwin,I...love you too,more than a friend,than a brother,im not joking here,Darwin...i need to be your...boyfriend." He said smiling at his brother.

Darwin was in tears,of joy,as he hugged his brother,and now his boyfriend happily and tightly.

Gumball did this out of pity though,if that was the only thing Darwin could be happy right now,then so be it,he will give his own happiness to Darwin.

But it won't end bad,the stars on top of them made sure of that.

My revision got deleted so i had to rewrite and forgot most part sorry

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