Oh no,it showed

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Im escaping Darwin on this hell

Gumball's P.O.V

It was dark,im all alone,well i was until Darwin came.

He walked towards,but shadows grabbed his chest,face and feet.

"Gumball!!!!!"-He shouted as he was being dragged,he reached his hand as his whole body is being covered by darkness.

I ran to him,eyes tearing up,i couldn't tell if he was as well cause even his face is now covered.

I sprinted faster and faster but he was being dragged faster as well,its like they will take him away from me.

No,they are taking him.I speed up once more my body was tired i was sweating like crazy,my body is cramping but i didnt care,i reached my hand i was close i can get him.

I jumped to accelerate once more,but before i could grab his hand,he was covered in darkness,and immediately pulled him far far away from me,as he shouted,"Gumball!!!im scared help meeeeeeee...."

I kneel down,i cried the only thing i done was see him disappear.I couldnt not do what he wants,i failed him i cant help him.

I just let him get eaten by darkness having no chance of seeing him again.

My body began to give up as i used all my energy i was breathing heavily.

My body then cramps first to my legs then to my chest,to my arms and to my head.

I screamed in agony,every part of my body felt like it was struck by a large nail.

But i could only scream,"Darwinn!!!","pls dont go"-i tried raising my hand as it shivers but it fell down as i loss consciousness,i cant protect him im not worthy.

"Gumball,GUMBALL"-i could hear a familiar voice shout.

I opened my eyes it was Darwin,"Huh?"-was the only word that came out of my mouth.

"You were ahh,having a nightmare,you were sweating all over,and was shouting my name with scared tone,are you alright?"-he asked.

"Yeah i guess"-i said still being restless.His safe,thats what matters.

"Uhhh Darwin?"-i asked confused yet blushing,"Why?'-he asked.

"You were kinda....sitting on my crotch"-i replied now madly blushing and avoiding eye contact.

"Oh yeah sorry"-he said blushing as well.He stand up instead off moving his legs away,causing him to hit his head on the upper bank,pulling it back to my face but this time its so close to me.

I blushed harder once more,now we are both cherry red,he opened his mouth,i had a feeling i want to feel it but erased it.

"Darwin you okay?"-i asked before it comes to situation we will be stuck looking at each other like that.

"Uhhh yeah just a little head incident"-he poked out his tongue forgetting he was still close to me.

I blushed with the most i can as i became almost dark red,his tongue looks enticing.He was blushing as well but i think he was poking his tongue more longer.

I opened my mouth shivering.

"Lets go now you two"-Anais said snapping the both of us into reality.

Darwin rolled out of my bed,falling to the ground.
Classic Darwin

Darwin left the room i was about to as well when someone pushed me to wall and makes me sit on the floor.

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