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"Heres the the datas i collected so far".

"I haven't called Mom yet so i dont have her explanation on this but,someone has been using her name and her account on many things"-Anais added.

"What do you mean by that?"-Gumball asked."Someone is acting like Mom,using her bank account or credit card and something"-Anais said.

"Also i have found this,I searched Mom's Bank book and......its showed huge money"-Anais said.

"A big money?"-Gumball asked.

"No i mean a huge amount of money,it says here that we have 1 million dollars,And was given to us by a guy named Maru"-Anais added.

"Okay Anais thanks be sure to ask mom about it?"-Gumball said,"Yeah i will"-Anais said and hanged up.

Gumball put the phone back to his pocket.

"Can't believe Mom had that much money"-Gumball muttered to himself,"And one person obviously won't give us that much money right?"-Darwin joined in.

"Y-yeah its weird"-i answered stuttering,i wouldn't expect darwin to be this calm in this situation,and also why was i muttering?.

"Here you guys are"-a chilly voice entered their eardrums,making then shiver,they slowly looked behind them,seeing the same black shadow guy.

"Hi"-he raised a hand and smiled,his face showing too much wrinkles from his eyes and smile.

Darwin grabbed Gumball by the arm then ran away,Darwin's body was so scared and had done its part as a reflex.

Gumball ran as well after breaking from his trance,they ran away much faster now,when a fast black figure passed through them,they stopped looking everywhere,sticking to each other.

"Awww why are you running?"-the guy asked,"Are you Maru?"-Darwin shot back,having nothing else on his safety reflex other than time stalling.

"Wait you knew my name?,this is amazing"-he said jumping up and down while smiling once again.

"Maru Togiko"-he disappeared then appeared on front of them so fast,the same black shadowy aura being swayed by the wind.

"I here to-"he was cut off by being knocked down by the ground,Gumball was the one who caused it,hitting the guy's head with a bat from his bag,it was black and blends in exactly inside his bag,for inspection reasons.

Gumball dropped the bat,kneeling before breathing heavily,Darwin was just frozen in shock,but Gumball broke him in his trance by tapping his legs.

"   ","......","    ".

No conversation,Gumball holding Darwin's arm now as they just continued to walk.


He woke up,scratching his head,Where are they?-he taught.

Oh yeah they got away,i like them,they are special,but i will still------

"What the Fu** is it?"-he screamed,"Boss is calling for you"-another figure from behind a tree replied,"Arghhh,fine and pls stop that whispering when approaching me,its hella annoying"-Maru screamed.

"Whatever"-the figure rolled its eyes,then walked away.

Maru disappeared once again,the returned to their base.

He continued walking,hallway after hallway,it was a pain in the ass for him.

"What is it boss?"-he asked kneeling after what seems like hours of walking and opened a large door.

"How was them?"-The boss asked,"They are still not found yet sir,they seem to relocate once every day"-Maru replied.

"Okay,find them sooner,thats all dismiss"-the boss signaled him to leave making a shoo motion with its hand.

Maru disappeared again,but now the dark aura isn't crushed,but just spread throughout the air almost creating his body shape.

Maru went back to the spot where he went back to base,he looked at his hands,i feel something different from those two,i even unconsciously lied to my master,he closed his fist after the taught,but something tells him,he will do something.........strange.

She got at home at 1:30 pm,which was greeted by Anais and her husband Richard.

"Mom i know this is weird to ask,but i need you to tell the whole reason why wanted Darwin in the first place"-Anais stated making the Blue girl cat slightly angry.

"After lunch"-was all she replied.


"H-how can he even do that?"-Darwin mumbled almost being crazy because of the cringy silence between them.

"Dont ask me,you are the one with a magical girlfriend"-Gumball replied.

"Said the guy that has a shapeshifting one"-Darwin smirked and Gumball rolled his eyes still walking and grabbing Darwin.

Darwin won on this conversation,but it also made him had an idea,"Gumball i---",he was interrupted by the ringing of Gumball's phone.

"Mom finally said us the reason,why she had to do that"-Anais said not being bothered of saying a greeting first.

"What is it?"-Gumball gulped,"Well when you were born,you were pretty destructive,20 toys are bought for you for a whole week,also you destroy windows"-she said Gumball open his mouth.

"They still can do it,but an idea struct them,that they will buy you a fish,and here comes the endless replacing of the dead golden fished,then came Darwin which makes it harder for them financially,and then they had debt but only for one organization 'shebom'

"They started to only debt there cause it said anytime repayed,then now they wanted to find yo, cause Mom can't find that much of money".

"Sorry"-Darwin said,"No its not your fault"-Gumball comforted him it was Mine,Gumball yet i was praised for the most things.

They walked again leaving the burnt wood Darwin on his front,Gumball took a peek in his right hand,small claws in it,he breathed heavily.

He got Darwin into this trouble ,he is the worst ever.

Gumball punched a tree while Darwin was singing in the shade of the tree.

I dont know who i am supposed to be any more

Heyyy guys i really dont have anything to say much,except that book two will be the continuation of the first one but it will be more magical and i think that will be the last Gumwin i will ever right sorry
Aslo less An's every end of the chapter

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