He's my dad (pt 1/?)

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Hello! I know i've been gone for a little bit i've been trying to make this story as concise as possible because i know these are one shots but you know what, let's be ~different~.

Today's story takes place wayyyy in the future of our irl Dream SMP saga type thing. Very far in the future, meaning Tommy and Tubbo are in their late 40's and they both have their own children. For comical purposes, Tommy is married to an American Woman.

There are no trigger warnings. Enjoy!

Elli ran through the woods, her pursuer hot on her tail.

Run. Don't look back. Hold sword steady.

Her lungs burned and her legs ached. Elli made one false step and came tumbling down.

She saw the shadow of a boy, dark fluffy brown hair falling just over his eyes.

"Gotcha. Again." Nolan laughed.

"Come on Nolan! You can't catch me every time," Elli said suppressing a smile.

"Well clearly I can."

"Get off me you big oaf."

Nolan stood up and brushed himself off. His soft brown eyes lit up warmly underneath the moonlight.

Elli stood up not far after and gave Nolan a shove. Her wavy blonde hair had begun to fall out of the french braid that lay on her back. Her pale blue eyes were even paler than the moon tonight.

"It's late, we should get back." Elli huffed.

"Yeah. Let's take a shortcut, our parents are already gonna be mad enough as it is. Your dad is terrifying."

"Oh come on you're almost as tall as him and definitely taller than me, which makes no sense since he's taller than your dad."

"Genetics, Elli, genetics."

The two walked along the path they had taken numerous times. It was getting cold enough to see the puffs of breath escaping their lips. The only audible thing was the crunch of leaved beneath their feet. Snow began to fall softly.

"Oh no, this isn't good." Nolan observed.

Elli rolled her eyes. "Wow Sherlock, you're so good."

"No need to be snippy. You know I can-"

"Wait, shut up."

"No, you listen just because I beat you doesn't-"

"No, look." Elli pointed to a warm glow that stood not too far ahead of them. "Let's go check it out."

Without giving Nolan a chance to respond, she grabbed his hand and dragged him to the light.

A village appeared in sight.

"We've never seen that before, did we take a wrong turn?" Elli turned back to face Nolan.


The duo explored deeper into the village. All they could see forever were decaying houses that sat in messy lines and, even in death, didn't match one another. Some were made of wood, some of iron walls, some of glass. The wooden walkway beneath their feet was crumbling and smelled like rotting flesh.

Who died here?

Nolan grabbed Elli's hand and squeezed it. Nolan pretended to be brave, but even sometimes he needed reassurance that something stable was always going to be there. Most often that was Elli.

They explored along and they could tell this had once been a beautiful city filled with life and laughter, but it was all gone. The ghost of the town hung over it in a veil of unsettling nostalgia. Nolan and Elli didn't know why they felt like this place was in their blood, but they both knew, undoubtedly, that it was.

"What are you kids doing around these parts?" A raspy voice came from behind.

Elli and Nolan sprang into action and set their basic back to back formation with both swords drawn.

"Woah, woah. No need to get all tense there." The man was impossibly tall and he had lightly curly grey hair. His voice had a heavy British accent and he had a cane that appeared to be a dull sword.

"The snow is falling hard. We must get inside."

The two stood speechless. They felt a pull towards the man and an odd sense of trust fell between the three. No one said anything, they just all knew they were safe together.

"Where are we?" Nolan managed. His hands had begun to shake from the cold. He gripped Elli's hand tighter. Elli gave a reassuring squeeze back.

"This is the town I made long ago, once upon a dream. You know, it gets so cold here."

The man handed them both hot cocoas as he motioned for them to take a seat on a dusty old couch. The room was surprisingly well kept seeing as the rest of the town was decaying and falling apart. A fire crackled in the fireplace and the two relaxed.

"I'm Wilbur by the way," the man said, sitting in a chair across from them.

"I'm Elli."


"Nice to meet you kids. How'd you find me."

"We didn't mean to, we were playing our chase game where we see who is faster. We must have gotten lost because we went out usual way but this was here." Elli explained.

"Well, that makes sense. This land doesn't just get found. It finds you."

"Oh okay?" Elli said uncomfortably.

"Why are you here in this decaying town anyway," Nolan cut in. Elli elbowed him in the ribs, causing him to yelp.

"You can't just ask people why they live in an old abandoned town, idiot." She scolded. Nolan apologized bashfully.

"No, it's alright. It has a deep emotional contact with my soul. Do you want to hear the story?" Wilbur leaned forward.

The kids nodded aggressively.

"Alright. Well it started when a few of my friends and I decided we wanted our own free nation separate from the rest of the country. We had me, the general and president, Eret, who, well thats for later, Fundy, my son, and two of the most important people in my life. An adorable puppy and a complete reckless idiot. The adorable one was named Tubbo. Oh and the chaotic wreck was Tommy. Oh the fun we had." He laughed at the recollection. Only after recovering from his laughing fit did he realize the perplexed looks on the children's faces.

"Tommy and Tubbo? The best friends forever? Bee obsessed Tubbo and six foot three Tommy?" Elli asked.

"Why, yes. How come you know?" Wilbur clarified.

"Tommy is my dad."

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