Dad Schlatt AU

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Um dad schlatt wholesome angst. I've been loving this head canon so much.


No shipping really, i mean it depends on how you take this one my friends, please enjoy.

I am probably going to do a part 2 for this just let me know if that's a bad idea.

TW: alcohol, trauma, bad relationship with family members, loss of loved ones.
The teen staggered through the woods.

What to do what to do.

He held the box close to his chest. Panicked love wracked his chest. Schlatt knew he needed to let him go, but it hurt him so bad. He hadn't even wanted the kid at first, but now that he was here and she was gone, he didn't want to let him go.

Schlatt ran a little faster. He didn't even know what he was running from, it just felt good to run. To run away, from his problems, from feeling, from the place he held her hand one last time before she breathed her last breath.

A small welp came out of the box, tiny pale hands reached out and tugged gently on Schlatt's horns. Schlatt smiled down at the young creature. He had his mother's pale blue-grey eyes and his hair. Surely his horns would grow in when he was old enough as well. He would be the most handsome Ram-Man out there. His little boy.

For a moment, he thought about taking the little one home again. He could work really hard and raise his son to be the best man in the whole world, strong, smart, kind, and resilient.

Schlatt shook his head. The drooling ball of fabric and creature below him wouldn't do him any good. He knew he couldn't take proper care of it, not with his reputation, not with her parents' status. When they figured out what had happened, he would be dead meat. His son would be born into a world that would take him like a lamb to a slaughter.

Schlatt walked solemnly over to the edge of a calm river bank in the woods. It was a sweet juxtaposition to his thoughts. He set the box down, and picked up the baby, unwrapping the abundance of blankets that swaddled the baby.

He wouldn't stop giggling. Schlatt thought this must have been the happiest baby he had ever seen. Unfortunate it had to be so, he was going to be growing up alone if anyone were able to find the baby.

Schlatt looked down at the necklace that hung from the child's neck. A small bee charm and a little nameplate that she had made knowing she would be giving birth to a baby boy.


Tubbo. A beautiful name for a beautifully healthy baby. Schlatt laughed and for the first time in a long time he allowed himself to be happy. He allowed himself to feel and release himself from the chains he had burdened himself with.

Baby Tubbo touched Schlatt's horns again and laughed.

Schlatt winced. They were sensitive you know.

Tubbo backed away as if sensing his father were not happy. He squirmed and wiggled and fussed. He tried to escape his fathers loving embrace with all his adorable little might.

Schlatt, curious to how the baby that was born not so long ago could maneuver himself in such a way, placed the baby down. Curiosity filled him as the baby began to crawl.

That must be the Ram in him, walking early, Schlatt thought with pride.

Schlatt followed little Tubbo a little further down the river. Why Tubbo was going so far upstream and for what, Schlatt couldn't tell you. He was his son after all, so he would know his inherited habits.

Tubbo's little hand struggled to reach into the river and his stance on the shore staggered. Schlatt lunged forward ready to catch his son before he fell.

Tubbo squirmed and fussed some more, determined to finish whatever quest his small baby mind was able to comprehend. Schlatt carefully set him down again, in complete wonder of his child. How was he ever to give him up.

He reached into the river once more. His father hovered over him. He picked up a small stone and handed it to his father, causing Schlatt to laugh heartily. It looked like a bee. Tubbo giggled and clapped in time with his father's laughter.

Schlatt scooped him up and walked back down the river. The sun had began to set and Tubbo yawned.

Schlatt stared down lovingly at his child. He decided he would sing to him. He never thought of himself as a good singer but she liked his voice, she had told him once. She said it sounded like iced tea and sea spray on a warm beach day. He supposed that was a good thing and she had loved him, she said, so it must have been true.

Oh my darling, Oh my darling
Oh my darling, Tubbo Bee
You were lost and gone forever
Dreadful sorrow Tubbo Bee

In a forest by a blue stream
singing for the first time
dwelt a father and his new son
oh his new son Tubbo Bee

Yes I loved him, how I loved him
Though his clothes were number nine
ripped up blankets ripped up toe socks
boxes were for Tubbo Bee

Oh my darling, oh my darling
Oh my darling, Tubbo Bee
Oh how you make me happy
that's a mystery to me.

Tubbo had fallen asleep somewhere throughout the song, he had peacefully drifted into sleep. Pain exploded in his chest, regret and disappointment in himself. He hated everything he had done and everything he had to do. He was never going to be able to be a good father. He had brought this child into a broken world with broken gods and broken kings. Letting him go was the better idea, but it still hurt. It hurt him a lot.

He swaddled his boy up and placed him in the box. If he were lucky, his boy would be escorted to heaven by an angel where he would be allowed to visit him in between punishments down below. If he were lucky neither of them would live for much longer.

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