The Hybrid Meeting

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Sorry I haven't been updating as much guys, I've been having writers block and i've been really down lately.

On top of everything that's going on my two comfort characters are going through arcs I just don't care to see them going through if you know what I mean.

I hope you like this one and I'm sorry if it isn't as good as some of my past stories, I am really trying to keep them going.

Creds to Hail_fucking_Hydra this one is based on an idea for a tik tok that she communicated to me via text message. Thank you for this one! Go check her out she does a lot of fun announcements.

Again, no shipping in this chapter. A lot of this is head canon mixed with canon. Again, irl, a lot of lore and if you want me to extend any of it into a oneshot by itself let me know!

Enjoy the story!

Eret let a breath escape his lips. A small buzzing in his head grew louder as her nerves beat more and more rapidly.

Dream should be away. They should be safe here for a few hours.

Eret strode around the room making sure everything was in order. They knew the power that God had, but he was away for now. The meeting would go as planned.

Skip through the back come around to the dining room. That was the plan, they'd gone over it, right?

The only person Eret worried about a little was Ranboo. He was a forgetful lad. The Enderman and Human minds pulling on one another and splitting themselves in half all day everyday was bound to affect the poor hybrid in some way. Eret reminded himself, not everyone was as lucky as him.

Lucky was a topical thing, Eret had only had the entity Herobrine try and take over her body, mind, and soul like a parasite choosing a host. The buzzing in Eret's head got louder, the bit of the entity that was still in there, struggling to take over again.

Eret adjusted the crown on his head. The buzzing quieted.

"Hey, Big Man! What's new, my Lord." Ranboo's voice carried itself throughout the hall. There was a slight gravelly undertone that reminded Eret of the sounds Enderman made when passing by. It wasn't a prominent feature, it was just a small thing that Eret had noticed.

"Wow Ranboo, why not let the rest of the SMP know that we're here!" Eret scoffed.

"Sorry, are we supposed to be quiet? I forgot. It's been a whole day, that I can remember, I just can't remember what I forgot. I hope I'm not in trouble am I? Oh there's Fundy, hey bud!"

"What's with him?" Fundy asked placing himself in the chair next to Eret.

"You know Ranboo, always anxious, always forgetting things, always getting nervous that he forgot something important, the usual."

Fundy nodded. "Ranboo, sit, bud."

Ranboo's leg began to tap rapidly as soon has he sat down. Fundy placed a hand on Ranboo's shoulder and gave a series of assuring squeezes. Ranboo's leg tapping gradually got slower and slower. He gave a grateful nod towards Fundy before the rest of the people began to file in.

Antfrost and Badboyhalo together, followed by Technoblade and Captain Puffy. Sam waddled in not long after.

The hybrids sat down one by one around the long table. Food was set out nice and neat for the people to pick on if it ever got to the point where words went into hiding.

Eret cleared his throat and steadied his heart. "I have gathered all of you here today for a reason. This is heavily against Dream's will and one hundred percent behind his back, so keep this on the down low. Fundy, remind Ranboo if he forgets."

Fundy bowed his head in agreement.

Eret went on. "I have gathered you all here today for a reason. Can anyone guess why?" Eret was hesitant to say it, some of them had been inflicted to be so and some had had the misfortune of being born like this.

"Well considering the fact that you are a king and Fundy is a prince, I am an anarchist, Puffy and Ranboo are new, and Ant and Bad live in the badlands, away from all of us, I want to say it's no obvious but it is," Techno piped up, his monotonous voice reaching every corner of the silent hall. "It's because none of us are human, isn't it. It's because we're all some sick defiance of nature, that's why isn't it?"

"Technoblade," Sam snapped. That tone was causing an explosive itch in the pit of his stomach. Anger, frustration, explosions. Sam shook his head.

Ranboo began to twitch, his fingers moving in spastic movements under the table. Fundy rubbed his hands along the inside of his forearm. A technique for anxiety that his dad used to use on himself. Not a big thing, but it worked to bring him back. Fundy whispered something to the hybrid next to him.

Eret nodded slowly, moving on swiftly knowing that the silence wasn't going to be good for Ranboo. "We aren't disgusting one, we are just more. We are past what they are, we are new."

Techno scoffed.

"I agree!" Badboyhalo said, upbeat tones evident in his comforting voice.

"Yeah, bad is right." Ant backed his friend up, his tail swinging defensively. "We aren't just broken messes of nature, we are so much more than that, the humans treat us like we're nothing, but we are so much more than they are."

"Ranboo, Puffy, you haven't been here that long but I'm sure you've noticed. How they keep closer tabs on us. How Dream pretended to be in love with me to get close to me and the others then he just left. He's unnaturally and awkwardly close with us. It's not like it is with George and Sapnap." Fundy stood to make him point.

Eret chimed in, "The only reason I was able to take Herobrine's soul and keep a bit of that horrible entity inside me is because I was part angel, bad you were part demon, you are my opposite and we have so much power we haven't scratched the surface of. That scares Dream. He's the only one on this server with a God status and no real power beyond mortal authority."

"I noticed," Ranboo spoke, his voice slightly shaky, gravelly enderman undertones more evident through his nerves. "I noticed that I can't go anywhere without Dream noticing. I haven't spoken once to that man and somehow he knows about the letters I leave Tommy, and every time i visit him, though Dream isn't there, he knows. Dream would come and question me everyday for no apparent reason. He would ask me insanely personal questions that he didn't have the right to know about. About my split personalities and my short term memory loss, if I had done anything or if anyone who I had been with would know what I had been doing."

Puffy nodded in agreement. "He doesn't let me build things on my own and I caught him going through my things the other day. I thought he did that to all the new members though because he did that to Ranboo too, but not Connor. I just assumed that it was already done."

"No, he hadn't," Sam said quietly. The boy he had taken in as a child, against him.

A silence settled over the hall, but no one touched the food. It was getting cold.

"I don't know what to do yet." More buzzing. Fix the crown. "I am not sure that we should do anything on it, but for now weekly meetings. If these things get worse, we should act on it?"

It was more of a question than a statement. An open offer to the other hybrids, an extension of an invitation.

Everyone mumbled their approval.

Eret breathed a sigh of suspenseful relief, "Meeting adjourned."

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