Were-fox Fundyyyyyy

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Background: Just after today's stream (10/16/20, Tubbo's speech), so some possible spoilers but nothing too detailed, just a lot of vague references. Wilbur, Technoblade, and Fundy in the woods. Mentions of numerous other characters. No shipping in this chapter. Again, for the purpose of it making more sense, it will theoretically not be within minecraft.

No trigger warnings today other than underlying references to pyro, but no direct mentions. It's all fluff hehe:D


Wilbur trekked through the forest with Technoblade close on his heels. The only audible thing for miles was the crunch of grass beneath their feet and the soft sounds of their breaths escaping their lips.

"You didn't do it." Techno whispered. "You know I was expecting you to loose it again, like another Jason Dean episode."

Wilbur paused for a moment, "I wasn't going to hurt Tubbo. Unlike someone." He shot a look at Technoblade who put his hands up in surrender.

"Hey man, Tubbo said he forgave me and Tommy is warming back up to me. Are you gonna try and put it back together?"

"Oh yeah. More people are on our side now, especially after the Tubbo thing," Wilbur gave an evil laugh. "It's crazy. How they all love Tubbo. And all he does it just be himself, adorable and innocent. It's infuriating, but I could still never hurt him." Wilbur slumped against the nearest tree in exhaust and defeat. He didn't understand how you can hate someone but still be worried about them. It was such an interesting thing, feelings. He ran his fingers through his chestnut hair as his eyes fluttered. Wilbur had an eerily pale complexion against the moonlight. Like someone who was internally battling two opposing sides trying to find out which way to go.

Technoblade settled onto the tree nearest to Wilbur. He removed his pig mask revealing the upper half of his face, slightly pink and an upturned nose, pale blue eyes. Technoblade's iconic long pink braid was loose and messy. Techno let out a loud breath that was somewhere between a laugh and a sigh. "Ah, I hate to say it buddy, but that means you care about him. It's an odd thing. That's why I'm a potato farmer. If you kill one or blow it up, you just make more. No harm no fowl. So about the re-plan."

"Let's rest first," Wilbur's face fell to his hands. For a moment, Technoblade saw the old Wilbur. Just for a brief moment, the reason and relaxed persona was visible through his insanity stained ego. But not enough to bring him back just yet. Techno decided he would wait until the job was done, after all he was promised a show.

The two men were almost asleep when they heard a little rustling coming from nearby. Out of fear, they both jumped up, Techno unsheathed his sword and Wilbur notched an arrow. Several silent seconds past that felt like hours. A small orange creature slithered out from behind a tree. A fox.

Wilbur slowly lowered his bow. "Fundy?"

The fox slowly crept closer, resembling a man more and more each step until standing in front of them was a tall, limber man with ruffled auburn hair and calm brown eyes. Fundy's face was flushed from the run from the city. "Will, Techno, We need to talk."

"How do we know we can trust you, Fundy," Wilbur backed up cautiously.

Fundy looked sad and worn out. "Will, Schlatt has been on edge ever since the speech. He's torn so much down, not even Quackity wants to trust him anymore. I think even he is scared. We need your help. I want to help you take him down. Please."

Wilbur exchanged nervous glances with Technoblade who returned an encouraging nod. "Come sit with us, buddy."

"Fundy, my child. Glad to have you back," Wilbur patted him on the shoulder and sat back below his tree. Techno followed suit.

Wilbur thought about it for a moment, before patting the seat next to him. Fundy's eyes lit up and Wilbur felt genuinely happy for a moment. Despite the circumstances, he was with an unexpected ally and an old friend who had been with him in the first war.

Fundy strode over, transforming back into a fox before climbing into Wilburs open arms. The three lay down and fell asleep to the sounds of the earth and their own heartbeats.

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