Tubbo's Closure

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I've begun writing closure letters at night and i thought, let me make some for the mcyts


TW: Bombs
Dearest Schlatt,

Today is the day. The final disk war. You always promised that we would gain control over dream one day. I think today can be that day. I'm hopeful that tommy and I can do it. You know, beat Dream.

I think Tommy and I can do it, I know you don't like him, but he's my friend and he makes me happy. You always said you wanted me to be happy. Now we're two best friends fighting someone who hurt us. We're doing well.

I made some nuclear bombs, like you and Wilbur. I hope you two are proud of me. Tommy is scared, but it's okay, I'm here with him. We're together. We are friends again, dad.

I may die today, but I don't want to go without saying something to you, a closure sort of. I'm sorry we couldn't be the family we both needed, or the one we wanted. I know you tried and I know I said that I never would, but I forgive you. I hope you forgive me.

I'm scared, dad, I don't think i'll make it, but Tommy is scared too, so I need to be brave. I miss you, and i forgive you. please, forgive me too.

I love you, I'll see you on the other side, when the sun sets.

Your Dearest Son,

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