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Here is some fluff! I feel like you deserve it because i have been writing a lot of angst lately and I feel bad. Of course there's gonna be more angst because that's what we do in this household, however i wanted to give you some happy bits.

This is NOT A SHIP FLUFF I CANNOT STRESS THAT ENOUGH ESPECIALLY BECAUSE THE CHARACTERS IN THIS ONE ARE TOMMY AND TUBBO! I don't ship people who've expressed their discomfort for it, especially if they're minors.

For some context, this is just kind of using an AU where tommy and tubbo are still together, happy, and seen as alive by each half. So basically they've just made up and caught each other up on how they've been.

Now that we've got that out of the way, enjoy this.

Tommy laughed. A bee. Named after him. That was pretty poggers.

Tubbo giggled along with him, their laughter creating a perfect harmony bringing light back to L'manburg. The empty streets began to feel full again as the familiar song of the two best friends walking along once again commenced.

Tommy and Tubbo walked out to their favorite bench before finishing their stories. The boys rubbed some snow off their seats before sitting down.

"Okay, okay," Tommy wheezed, trying to catch his breath. "You go first, Big T."

"Okay, okay. So after... you know... I began to rebuild. We made the tree! It was beautiful!" His face lit up as he told the story. "Tommy it was great, you've seen it now, but I missed you, so much. When I lost the compas I-"

"Tubbo," Tommy placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "It's okay. I will admit. I was mad at the time, haha. Because Dream told me you threw it away. Then again he also told me that Wilbur gave everyone the invitations to my party, and not even Wilbur came, he later told me Dream said the date was changed and he redirected him to Technoblade's house."

Tommy's heart hurt. His best friend was living the dream and he was stuck on a faraway island being taunted by Dream. But he was here now. He was safe. He pulled his coat closer around himself.

"Hey, Tubbo," Tommy said trying to break the silence. "Wanna see something cool?"

Tubbo nodded, happy to see his friend excited about something again. He clapped, his mittens muffling the sound.

"Let's go." Tommy jumped up from his spot on the bench and Tubbo followed behind. Tommy stopped short at his old house. A wave of nostalgia flew over him.

"My home," he whispered.

"Tommy, I've seen your house before. I'm sorry they turned it to granite, I know you don't like granite. It was on my list to change back, I guess we just never got around to it, what with the planning of Christmas and all." Tubbo shrugged. He really had planned to change it back, for old times sake. "I mean I also thought you were dead, so it was going to be done after the funeral in case you were a ghost."

Tommy laughed at this. It was a solemn laugh, but it felt good. He hadn't had many good laughs in his time in exile.

"You can go inside," Tubbo motioned to the doorway. Dimly lit lanterns hung to the side. Just like it used to be.

"I-I don't know. Dream wouldn't like that."

"Tommy? Since when do you care what Dream says?"

"He's going to hurt me."

"No, no he's not, it's okay, Tommy." Tubbo began to sound scared. Where was his Tommy? The one who doesn't care about anything? "Tommy?"

Tommy tried not to tear up. "Tubbo, please tell me he's not going to hurt me."

"You're safe, Tommy. He's not going to hurt you." Tubbo hugged Tommy strongly, wanting to push all of his sadness away. They hadn't hugged like this since Philza adopted Tubbo and Tommy saw him crying on the side of the road. But it was good. It was a comfort both of them didn't know they needed.

"Go on. Show me what you wanted to show me."

Tommy walked slowly into his old home. It may have been covered in granite, but a good sum of him was still there. The smell was comforting and welcoming. He straightened his posture and walked over to the enderchest in the back room.

Tubbo peered over his shoulder. He couldn't really see much and the contents of Tommy's chest blurred with what should have been in his. That was just the way these chests worked. You couldn't take from someone else's and it was difficult to see the contents of someone else's, even if they were there with you.

Tommy pulled out one disk after another. Stacks and stacks building up. One single broken disk sat at the bottom, Tommy didn't bother taking that one out, the pieces would get everywhere.

"Ta da!" Tommy laughed, proud of his collection.

"Wow, Tommy. This is amazing! How did you get all of these?" He studied all of the disks. One stood out in particular.


His old favorite.

Tubbo noticed something off about the stack of disks though. Tommy's favorites weren't there. "Tommy wait here."

"What why?" Tommy said nervously. Why is he leaving. Is he going to get Dream?

"I have a surprise for you. Trust me, it's okay, you're going to love it." Tubbo reassured him sensing his insecurity.

Tommy sat down twiddling his thumbs. If he couldn't trust Tubbo he couldn't trust anyone.

Tubbo returned holding something behind his back.

"Okay, Tommy. Close your eyes. This needs to be a surprise."

"Okay," Tommy closed his eyes, curiosity itched the back of his brain.

Tubbo got the gift situated in his hands. "Okay, open them."

Tommy removed his hands from over his eyes. "Tubbo! You- where did you get these?"

He gingerly grabbed cat and mellohi out of the other boy's hands. A bright light bloomed in his chest.

"I got a hold of them shortly after new year's eve. I saved them, for old times sake. I wanted to bury them with you. Or, with your casket. But you're not dead! So I figured you would want them!"

Tommy laughed heartily. "Yeah man, I'm not dead. Thank you, Big Man."

Tubbo smiled. "Does this mean we're good?"

"Yeah, Bud. All good."

The two brought the collection of disks over to their bench, taking turns picking which one to play next. The music could be heard all throughout L'manburg late into the night, but no one had the heart to tell them to go to sleep.

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