He's my dad. (pt 2/2)

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Hello! I hope you enjoyed the last part and understood my references.

The intro to this is essentially the same as the last part, No trigger warnings again, just a lot of confusion in the characters. I hope you're enjoying it!

I have a lot of stories planned for you guys so depending on how quickly my writing goes, I should have a lot out for you guys this coming week. I promise I will be upping the game!


"What. That no good, son of a-" Wilbur began.

"HEY! Watch your mouth. He is still my father." Elli said defensively.

"I can't believe he reproduced. Are you his kid too?" Wilbur motioned to Nolan.

"What? No. Tubbo is my dad. I- Tommy is just my best friends parent I- ah." Nolan put his hands up in surrender.

"Well, I can understand Tubbo having a kid but Tommy? Who are your mothers?" Wilbur was in absolute shock. All he remembered the two boys as were the scrawny little teenagers who helped him win the first war. He never imagined that they would grow up and have their own families. He really didn't. To Wilbur, Tommy and Tubbo remained suspended as kids in the amber cast of his memories. Oh how long it had been since he'd seen them.

"My mother? Oh her name is Katie, and she and my dad met in Brighton! Over by the lakes of Pogtopia." Nolan said happily.

"My mom met my dad when he went to Dover by the outer rims." Elli added.

"Hang on, hang on." Wilbur was on the edge of laughing his guts out. "Is- is your mother American?"

"Yeah?" Ellie said confused by Wilbur's sudden loss of the ability to breath.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry I can't."

"Wilbur, do you want to tell us what happened here or not? Clearly this was a big part of our dad's lives that they have completely kept secret from us. Either you tell us, or we're leaving." Elli demanded, standing up to assert dominance.

Nolan didn't really know exactly what to do from there so he just stood tall and strong and true behind her, hoping Wilbur would get the message.

After a few moments of waiting for Wilbur to come down from his state of hysteria, Wilbur laughed again. "You can't go out now it's much too snowy and cold. You'll get hurt. And your parents probably didn't tell you for a reason."

Nolan and Elli had already begun to make their way out of the door when Wilbur hastily sat them back down. "Okay, okay fine."

He pinched his nose and for the first time the duo saw a really old soul. Someone who had been through Hell and back. Someone who had scars. "It all started with an idea of freedom and glory." He began.

The duo sat and listened to the stories gasping and listening intently. At parts Wilbur had to stop because the memories made his cry. Sometimes he went into a fit of laughter. Sometimes he paused and fear flooded his eyes. It was a terrible back and forth but at the same time the friends could not look away.

When Wilbur was finished, he rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Who knew the worst years of your life could also be the best."

"Why didn't our parents tell us any of this? If it was so much of their lives why would they keep it from us?" Nolan slumped back, perplexed and exhausted.

"I don't know. Maybe it's part of them that they aren't proud of. A lot of people were hurt. Maybe they didn't want you to come looking for this place. This decaying place full of the ghosts of memories. It is a lot to bear."

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